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Change in planted area, harvested area, amount produced, average yield and value of palm oil, in the municipality of Jaguaripe - BA - PAM 2017
Change in planted area, harvested area, amount produced, average yield and value of production of palm oil, in the municipality of Jaguaripe, in Bahia, in 2017.
Data previously released: Planted area: 400; Harvested area: 400 ha; Amount produced 1950 ton; Average yield: 4.875 kg/ha; Value of production (1,000 R$): R$ 507
Updated data: Planted area: 4,300; Harvested area: 4,300 ha; Amount produced: 12,900 ton; Average yield: 3,000 kg/ha; Value of production (1,000 R$): R$ 3,354
Actions: The file was corrected and replaced in the SIDRA and BME databases.
Product : Municipal Agricultural Production - Temporary and permanent crops
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Error in the release date of the publication "Ecosystem Accounting: Biodiversity and Species Threatened with Extinction, version 2014"
Error, identified by the IBGE, of non-compliance with the release date of the publication Ecosystem Accounting: Biodiversity and Biodiversity and Species Threatened with Extinction, version 2014, scheduled for September in the geoscientific products calendar on the IBGE web site. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its disclosure was postponed until October 16, 2020.
Actions: The release date was rescheduled.
Product : Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting
Department in charge: Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination and Directorate of Geosciences
Amendment in PMC´s indicators of pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic articles, toiletries and cosmetics (May 2020)
An error was noticed in May´s revised results due to the improper load of an outlier which overwrote the correct data previously released, causing an overestimated computation in the activity of pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic articles, toiletries and cosmetics in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil.
Actions: The Sidra tables of the survey were amended with the correct figures in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil and the files were replaced in the download area of the survey in the IBGE web portal and in the News Agency.
Product : Monthly Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of the PDF Complete Publication of the Monthly Suvey of Trade
Error in table 8 (Regional Revenue) relative to June 2020.
Actions: File replaced with the correct version on the IBGE portal on August 12, 2020 at 6pm.
Product : Monthly Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Error in the release date of the 2019 Municipal Livestock Production
The IBGE identified non-compliance with the release date of the results of the 2019 Municipal Livestock Production, as highlighted on the portal on January 2 of 2020. Due to the data collection delay provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the dissemination of the results was postponed until October 15, 2020.
Actions: The release calendar was changed.
Product : Municipal Livestock Production
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Error in the release date of the 2019 Forestry Activities
The IBGE identified non-compliance with the release date of the results of the 2019 Forestry Actvities, as highlighted on the portal on January 2 of 2020. Due to the data collection delay provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the dissemination of the results was postponed until October 15, 2020.
Actions: The release calendar was changed.
Product : Forestry Activities
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Error in the release date of the 2019 Municipal Agricultural Production
The IBGE identified non-compliance with the release date of the results of the 2019 Municipal Agricultural Production, as highlighted on the portal on January 2 of 2020. Due to the data collection delay provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the dissemination of the results was postponed until October 1st, 2020.
Actions: The release calendar was changed.
Product : Municipal Agricultural Production - Temporary and permanent crops
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Correction of data on the output of orange in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
An error regarding the output of orange in São Paulo was identified in one of the 2017 Census of Agriculture questionnaires.
Actions: The questionnaire was corrected with the right figures. The corrected data and the derived variables were uploaded to the database.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Correction of data on silviculture in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Questionnaires with the indication "Other silviculture products" instead of “Logwood" (for Other Purposes) - M³” were identified.
Actions: The questionnaire was corrected with the right figures. The corrected data and the derived variables were uploaded to the database.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Correction of data on wildcrop harvesting products in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Questionaires with "Other wildcrop harvesting products" instead of the specified products were identified.
Actions: The questionnaires were corrected with the right products. The corrected data and the derived variables were uploaded to the database.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Correction of data on categories of affiliation to cooperatives in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
A modeling error was identified in the table of categories of association to categories and professional entities, resulting in incorrect data on affiliation of agricultural establishments.
Actions: Modeling data were corrected.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas/Diretoria de Informática
Modeling of tables by decimal place in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Differences in rounded figures were identified at more aggregated levels.
Actions: The data were reaggregated with corrected figures, considering rounding rules.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas/Diretoria de Informática
Modeling of tables for total frequency of establishments in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Total establishment figures by survey section were above the real ones. The reason for the error was that, in cases where the establishment had more than one product (products from permanent crops, for instance), it was counted as “Total”, as many times as the number of products included, when it should appear only once in the “Total” category.
Actions: The data were aggregated with the frequency of establishments for the “Total” category with a single count of the establishment in case it presented more than one product per section.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas/Diretoria de Informática
Calendar error in the Continuous National Household Sample Survey
An error, detected by the IBGE, related to the non-compliance to the release date set for the Continuous National Household Survey, according to the calendar made available in advance. Considering that visits to selected housing units aiming at data collection have been suspended since March, the conduction of surveys by telephone has been a major challenge, especially regarding the housing units selected ofr a first visit. In order to guarantee the conduction of the interviews, the state department sends letters and telegrams informing that the housing unit was selected for the survey and that, considering the current scenario, the survey has been done by telephone, and the residents are asked to call the IBGE. In addition to that, state coordinators have been adopting other strategies to obtain the telephone numbers associated with those lists of housing units, such as, for example, the use of telephone directories. These measures, however, demand a longer duration in comparison with face-to-face data collection. So, in order to conduct interviews in a bigger number of housing units from the sample, the dates set for the end of data collection and for the release of results were redefined.
Actions: The release calendar was changed.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly dissemination
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Error in the release date of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey of the moving quarter of April-May-June 2020
The IBGE identified non-compliance with the release date of the results of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey of the moving quarter of April-May-June 2020, established in the previous schedule. Due to the postponement of the closing of the interviews' database in June, the dissemination of the results will be transferred from 07/29/2020 to 06/08/2020.
Actions: The release date was changed.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly dissemination
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas