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Rural and Urban Classification
The Rural and Urban Classification gathers a set of studies, classifications and typologies aiming at identifying and characterizing urban spaces and rural spaces on a municipal and intra-municipal scale, considering morphological, locational, structural and functional aspects.
Experimental GEO TRADUZIR
About the publication - 2023 - Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Rural, Urban and Nature Spaces in Brazil
Throughout its history, the IBGE has published statistical and geographic information for rural and urban areas, and these categories have been used in institutional sociodemographic surveys, structured according to these classifications. Currently, the new trends is trying to overcome the dichotomy in relation those two dimensions towards a new understanding of a rural-urban continuum, in the face of new organization models in society.
Aware of the debates, the IBGE publishes the present study, which results from a deeper analysis of the Brazilian territory and the evolution of instruments for collecting geographic data. The present study was developed based on the conceptual path built by Geography at different moments in its history, and by the Institute itself, with regard to the urban-rural relationship to culinate in the contemporary discussion on this theme and the proposition of a new category for classifying spaces, nature. It should be noted that the inclusion of this dimension of analysis stems from the recognition that the dichotomous model conceived so far no longer encompasses the complexity that shapes current spatial realities, which demand the proposition of more detailed distinctions of the geographic space. The methodological proposal thus undertaken, which is the object of this publication, has an experimental nature, for conceiving new geoscientific information, which is still being tested and under evaluation.
The publication presents the typology created within the scope of this study, in which each of the types identified in the three spatial categories (urban, rural and nature), in a total of 16, is outlined by the description of their attributes and their distribution in the territory. The study brings a reflection on the results achieved and seeks to present, on a national scale, an approach that, in the set of typology created, apprehends the rural-urban-nature continuum. Additionally, the publication signals the improvement, through new criteria to be adopted, of the elaboration of a final typology that can be used for the dissemination of the surveys carried out by the IBGE, including the 2022 Population Census. on the theoretical discussions and methodological aspects involved in this proposal. A glossary, at the end, brings together the terms and concepts considered essential for understanding the results obtained.
Experimental GEO TRADUZIR
More on the product - 2023 - Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Rural, Urban and Nature Spaces in Brazil
- Table 1.1 - Areas of Urbanized Spots, Percentage of Urbanized Spots, Class of Urbanized Spots (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.2 - Labor Occupations Fringe/Rural/Urban/Nature (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.3 - Integration of rural establishments - 2017 (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.4 - Percentage Natural Areas by weighting area (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.5 - Crop and Pasture Area By Weighting Area (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.6 - Fuzzy Urban (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.7 - Fuzzy Rural (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.8 - Fuzzy Nature (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.9 - Fuzzy Total (xlsx | ods)
- Table 1.11 - Weighting Area - Type (xlsx | ods)
- BD01 - Areas of Urbanized Spots, Percentage of Urbanized Spots, Class of Urbanized Spots
- BD02 - Labor Occupations Fringe/Rural/Urban/Nature
- BD03 - Integration of rural establishments - 2017
- BD04 - Percentage Natural Areas by weighting area
- Geocodes by name and type
- 01 - Urbanized spots
- 02 - Urban Occupations
- 03 - Very integrated and integrated establishments
- 04 - Rural Occupations
- 06 - Percentage of natural area
- 07 - Nature Occupations
- 08 - Poorly integrated establishments
- 09a - Fuzzy Natural
- 09b - Fuzzy Rural
- 09c - Fuzzy Urban
- 10 - Cover and Use
- 11 - Final Typology
- 12 - Typology 3 Categories
- 13 - Typology 2 Categories
- Added Urban Areas (%)
- Large Urban Concentrations
- Fringe Occupations (%)
- Result of the classification of weighting areas, according to the size of the urbanized area - Brazil (pdf)
- Percentage of typical occupations of urban space, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Percentage of integrated or very integrated establishments, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Percentage of typical occupations in rural spaces, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Percentage of crop and pasture areas, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Percentage of natural area, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
Occupational occupations related to nature, by weighting areas - Brazil - 2010 (pdf) - Percentage of poorly integrated establishments, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Result by natural dimension, after the variable combination step - Brazil (Fuzzy Natural) (pdf)
- Result by rural dimension, after the variable combination step - Brazil (FuzzyRural) (pdf)
- Result by urban dimension, after the variable combination step - Brazil (FuzzyUrban) (pdf)
- Classification of areas without households - Brazil (pdf)
- Final typology of urban, rural and nature spaces, by weighting areas - Brazil (pdf)
- Final typology of urban, rural and nature spaces, by weighting areas - Brazil (Table) (pdf)
- Final typology with aggregation by two categories - Brazil (pdf)
- Final typology with aggregation by three categories - Brazil (pdf)
Experimental GEO TRADUZIR
Publications - 2023 - Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Rural, Urban and Nature Spaces in Brazil
Experimental GEO TRADUZIR
Learn more - 2023 - Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Rural, Urban and Nature Spaces in Brazil
News and Releases
IBGE publishes study aimed at expanding the categorization of geographic spaces
The IBGE released this Wednesday (16) the study “Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Rural,...
- Urbanized Areas
- Classification and Characterization of Rural and Urban Spaces in Brazil
- Urbanistic characteristics of household surroundings
- Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil
- Mesh of Enumeration Areas
- Population Census - Concepts and methods - General Sample Results by weighting areas

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