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Workshop on the Brazilian System of Relief Classification
This document gathers the guidelines and deliberations regarding the construction of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification, established based on the presentations, debates and group work sessions during the 1st Workshop on the Brazilian System of Relief Classification, which took place in 2019, at the IBGE.
About the publication - Technical expeditions through the mountains of Rio de Janeiro
The IBGE has been working with the Brazilian Geological Service (CPRM), the Brazilian Geomorphology Union (UGB) and researchers from several education institutions in Brazil aiming at creating the Brazilian System of Relief Classification (SBCR). A single taxonomy of the relief is expected in the entire national territory, allowing not only the construction of a common language, but also the standardization, structuring and modeling of databases for its representation, taking into account the requirements of different research area related to the theme, as well as of the producers of information to the society.
With this publication, the IBGE presents the plan and discussions occurred during the Technical Expedition of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification, called “Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro”, in November 2022, under the scope of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Applied Physical Geography, held at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). It is important to highlight that this expedition is the first of a series scheduled to take place along events involving geomorphology in Brazil, aiming at providing the scientific society with the concepts and criteria adopted by the SBCR, based on observations and discussions in the field.
This work, also available on the IBGE portal, represents a historical milestone, both for the Brazilian geomorphological science, which counts on a record of its technical expeditions in the scope of the SBCR, and to the IBGE, which resumes the publication of study expeditions, very common in the 1940-1960 period. It is expected that this initiative promotes the SBCR and its advances, fostering the engagement of the researchers of the Brazilian relief.
Publications - Technical expeditions through the mountains of Rio de Janeiro
Excursões técnicas : pelas montanhas do Rio de Janeiro
Material type: Book
Year: 2023
Learn more - Technical expeditions through the mountains of Rio de Janeiro
News and Releases
IBGE publishes study on technical expedition through the mountains of Rio de Janeiro
The IBGE released today (29) an unprecedented publication with the travel plan and discussions related...
Calendar error in release of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification: Technical Expeditions: Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro
Published date: 18/08/2023
An error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting the antecedence of 30 days to inform the public on the release date of the product "Brazilian System of Relief Classification: Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro". The release will be held on August 29, 2023 in the 14th Brazilian Symposium of Geomorphology, in Corumbá/MS.Actions: The release letter has been published and the calendar has been changed.