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PIMES - Monthly Survey of Industrial Employment and Wages | December 2015
Tables - December 2015
December 2015
Selected Indexes
By variables not seasonally-adjusted
Short-term Indicators of General Industry - Brazil - Change (%) December/ 2015
Variables | Monthly | Cumulative | Last 12 Months |
Salaried employed persons |
Number of hours paid |
Average number of hours paid |
Nominal payroll |
Nominal average payroll |
Real payroll |
Real average payroll |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria.
By variables seasonally-adjusted
Short-term Indicators of Industry, MoM seasonally-adjusted - Brazil - December/ 2015
Variables | MoM (1) | ||
Gen. Ind. |
Mining and Quarrying | Manufacturing | |
Salaried employed persons (2) |
Number of hours paid |
Real payroll |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria.
(1) Base: Previous month = 100.
(2) Variable without a significant seasonal movement and, therefore, not seasobnally-adjusted in the mining and quarrying industries.
By industrial activity
Salaried employed persons
Short-Term Indicators of industry Salaried employed persons - December/ 2015
Sections and Divisions | Monthly | Cumulative | Last 12 Months |
Overall Industry |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
Manufacturing Industry |
Food Products and Beverages |
Tobacco |
Textiles |
Wearing Apparel |
Footwear and Leather |
Wood |
Paper and Press |
Coke, Petroleum Refining, Nuclear Fuels and Alcohol |
Chemical Products |
Rubber and Plastic Products |
Non-Metallic Mineral Products |
Basic Metals |
Fabricated Metal Products - except machinery and equipment |
Machinery and Equipment - except electrical, electronic, of precision and communication |
Electrical. Electronic, Precision and Communication Machinery and Apparatus |
Manufacture of Transportation Means |
Other Manufacturing |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria.
Real Payroll
Short-term Indicators of Industry - Real Payroll - December/ 2015
Sections and Divisions | Monthly | Cumulative | Last 12 Months |
Overall Industry |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
Manufacturing Industry |
Food Products and Beverages |
Tobacco |
Textiles |
Wearing Apparel |
Footwear and Leather |
Wood |
Paper and Press |
Coke, Petroleum Refining, Nuclear Fuels and Alcohol |
Chemical Products |
Rubber and Plastic Products |
Non-Metallic Mineral Products |
Basic Metals |
Fabricated Metal Products - except machinery and equipment |
Machinery and Equipment - except electrical, electronic, of precision and communication |
Electrical. Electronic, Precision and Communication Machinery and Apparatus |
Manufacture of Transportation Means |
Other Manufacturing |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria.
Number of hours paid
Short-term Indicators of Industry - Number of Hours Paid - December/ 2015
Sections and Divisions | Monthly | Cumulative | Last 12 Months |
Overall Industry |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
Manufacturing Industry |
Food Products and Beverages |
Tobacco |
Textiles |
Wearing Apparel |
Footwear and Leather |
Wood |
Paper and Press |
Coke, Petroleum Refining, Nuclear Fuels and Alcohol |
Chemical Products |
Rubber and Plastic Products |
Non-Metallic Mineral Products |
Basic Metals |
Fabricated Metal Products - except machinery and equipment |
Machinery and Equipment - except electrical, electronic, of precision and communication |
Electrical, Electronic, Precision and Communication Machinery and Apparatus |
Manufacture of Transportation Means |
Other Manufacturing |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria.
Updated on 02/18/2016 at 9am
The IBGE adopts a review policy of the data disclosed by this statistical operation. Data review means any and all scheduled revision of numerical data due to new information, which was not accessible at the time of the first disclosure. For instance: late data that replaces a non-response; or data corrected by the informant himself; or a set of data that has undergone editing and imputation. For more detailed information about the published data review policy of the IBGE statistical operations, check the list of short-term, long-term and special surveys carried out by the Institute with their respective revision procedure on:
Concepts and methods - December 2015
As informações a seguir descrevem os metadados estatísticos, que são o conjunto de conceitos, métodos e aspectos relacionados às estatísticas, e são informações necessárias para compreender as características e a qualidade das estatísticas e interpretá-las corretamente.
Informações Gerais
Produzir indicadores que permitam acompanhar o desempenho conjuntural do mercado de trabalho no setor industrial, através da evolução mensal do emprego e da remuneração dos trabalhadores nas empresas industrias, permitindo analisar tais mudanças ao longo do ciclo de atividade do setor produtivo industrial.Tipo de operação estatística
Pesquisa de empresasTipo de dados
Dados de pesquisa por amostragem probabilísticaPeriodicidade de divulgação
É constituída pelo conjunto de unidades locais com cinco ou mais pessoas empregadas classificadas como atividade industrial conforme a CNAE, cujas empresas são registradas no Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) do Ministério da Fazenda, e pertencentes ao Cadastro Central de Empresas (CEMPRE) do IBGE, em todo o território nacional.Metodologia
Técnica de coleta:
PAPI - Entrevista pessoal com questionário em papel, CASI - Questionário eletrônico autopreenchidoTemas
Temas e subtemas
Trabalho, Trabalho remunerado, Indústrias extrativas, Estatísticas econômicas setoriais, Indústrias de transformaçãoPrincipais variáveis
Pessoal ocupado assalariado, admissões, desligamentos, número de horas pagas e valor da folha de pagamento.Unidades de informação
Unidade de investigação
Unidade localUnidade de análise
Unidade local.Períodos de referência
Data de início da coleta
04/01/2016Data do fim da coleta
Nível de desagregação geográfica
NacionalNível de divulgação
Os resultados da pesquisa são divulgados para 18 detalhamentos de atividades industriais com agregações de 2 dígitos na CNAE, versão 1.0, para Brasil.Instrumentos de coleta
A pesquisa foi encerrada no dia 18 de fevereiro de 2016 com a divulgação das informações pertinentes a dezembro de 2015.
Saiba mais
The Monthly Survey of Industrial Employment and Wages - PIMES came to an end in 2016 with the release of the results relative to December 2015.
The survey was started in 1968 under the name Monthly Industrial Survey - General Data, aiming at monitoring employed persons, wages and industrial output value. Due to methodological reformulation and enhancement, the last of which carried out in 2001, when the current name was given, the survey ceased to provide information relative to the value of industrial production and started providing specific indicators on the behavior of jobs and salaries in the industry. The collection unit were enterprises with local branches registered in the National Registry of Legal Entities - CNPJ, of the Secretariat of Federal Revenue, and recognized as industries in the Central Register of Enterprises - CEMPRE, of the IBGE.
Up to December 2014, its results, comprising indicators on salaried employed persons, hirings, layoffs, number of hours paid and value of the payroll in nominal terms (current values) and real terms (deflated by the Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA), encompassed the following areas: Brazil; North Region, Northeast Region, Southeast, South, Central-West; and the States of Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The results relative to 2015 were made available only for Brazil, including, however, all the indicators and activities usually disseminated.
The progressive gains in quality in the database of the General Register of Employed and Unemployed - CAGED, of the Ministry of Labor, and the implementation of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNAD-C, which has national coverage and produces a wide range of information on the short-term behavior of the labor market, with information released monthly for Brazil and quarterly for all Federative Units, reduced quite substantively the relevance of the information obtained from PIMES and led the IBGE to decide for its interruption.
Time series
Technical Information
Change in geographic coverage
After the dissemination of the Monthly Survey of Industrial Employment and Wages (PIMES) of January 2015, which will take place on March 20, the research data will be released only to Brazil, contemplating all indicators and activities usually disclosed.
This is a first initiative in order to study and propose a new methodology for the topic of employment, wages and the cost of labor force in industry, to expand the variables currently available and to include the assessment of existing and ongoing administrative records at federal level.
The intention is to be publish PIMES, at the national level, for another year, along which the methodology and the planning will be defined for the dissemination of the new series of shor-term data related to employment and industrial wages.
Directoate of Surveys
February 10, 2015
In December of 2001, IBGE started to publish the indicators for the industrial workplace (their series started in December of 2000) resulting from the Monthly Survey of Industrial Employment and Wages (PIMES). That survey replaces the Monthly Industrial Survey – General Data, which was published for the last time in June of 2001.
The conception of PIMES is part of the Program for the Economic Statistics Update, started by IBGE in 1994. That program has the purpose of producing updated statistics by increasing their efficiency as to quality, time and cost.
The purpose of the indicators presented herein is to show the evolvement, in a short term, of some variables relative to the industrial labor market in national and regional perspectives. Thus, the results encompass 18 (eighteen) industrial sectors, and, regionally, the following States and Major Regions: Pernambuco; Ceará; Bahia; Espírito Santo; Minas Gerais; Rio de Janeiro; São Paulo; Paraná; Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul; North and Central-West Regions; Northeast Region ; Southeast Region; and South Region.
The industrial activities in PIMES correspond to the descriptions of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) as in the chart below:
PIMES description | CNAE categories |
Mining and Quarrying Industry | 10 – Mining of Coal 11 – Extraction of Petroleum and Service Activities incidental to oil extraction 13 – Mining of Metal Ores 14 – Other Mining and Quarrying |
Food and Beverages | 15 – Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages |
Tobacco | 16 – Manufacture of Tobacco Products |
Textiles | 17 – Manufacture of Textiles |
Apparel | 18 – Manufacture of Apparel and Accessories |
Footwear and Leather | 19 – Tanning and dressing of Leather and Manufacture of Leather Products, Luggage and Footwear |
Wood | 20 – Manufacture of Wood Products |
Paper and Publishing and Printing | 21 – Manufacture of Pulp, Paper and Paper Products 22 – Publishing, Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media |
Coke, Petroleum Refining, Nuclear Fuel and Alcohol | 23 – Manufacture of Coke, Refined Petroleum Products, Nuclear Fuel and Alcohol |
Chemical Products | 24 – Manufacture of Chemical Product |
Rubber and Plastic Products | 25 – Manufacture of Plastic and Rubber Products |
Non-metallic Mineral Products | 26 – Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products |
PIMES description | CNAE categories |
Basic Metals | 27 – Basic Metals |
Fabricated Metal Products, except machinery and equipment | 28 – Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products, except machinery and equipment |
Machinery and Equipment, except electrical, electronic, precision and communication equipment | 29 – Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment 30 – Manufacture of Office Machinery and Computer Equipment |
Electronic, Electrical, Precision and Communication Machinery and Apparatus | 31 – Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus 32 – Manufacture of Electronic Material and Communication Equipment and Apparatus 33 – Manufacture of Medical and Optical Instruments, Industrial Process Control Equipment, Watches and Clocks |
Manufacture of Transportation Means | 34 – Manufacture and Assembly of Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Bodies 35 – Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment |
Other Manufacturing | 36 – Manufacture of Furniture and Miscellaneous Manufacturing 37 – Recycling |
The survey sample is generated by the Basic Selection Inventory (CBS) and referenced by the Central Register of Enterprises of IBGE (CEMPRE) — which systematically gathers information from the Annual Inventory of Social Information (RAIS), the General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Persons (CAGED) and the structural surveys from IBGE. It was obtained by means of the probability sampling technique, in which the selection unit is the Local Industrial Productive Unit.
The Local Units (LUs) are selected by means of the CBS, and the Inventory of Survey Respondents is generated. The LUs must correspond to the addresses where the industrial enterprises operate. Those enterprises, in turn, must predominantly generate industrial production, classified under the C and D sections of CNAE, and present at least 5 salaried employed persons. Then, a stratified sample is designed by using the simple random sampling technique, with no replacement. Following that reasoning, the total investigation universe is estimated.
PIMES investigates the following variables in about 5 500 (five thousand and five hundred) industrial plants: Salaried Employed Personnel, Hirings, Separations, Number of Hours Paid and Value of Payroll . The indicators for that last variable are presented in nominal (current values) and real (deflated by the Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA) terms. In order to see the definitions of the variables, click here .
The PIMES series started in December of 2000, and the published indicators were the following:
• Monthly Fixed-Base Index : that index compares data from the reference month with data from the base month (January of 2001);
• Month/Month Index (Seasonally Adjusted): that index is published only for salaried employed personnel, number of hours paid and real value of the payroll, in a national level, for overall industry, mining and quarrying industry and manufacturing industry. It compares the seasonally adjusted data from the reference month with the data from the immediately previous month;
• Monthly Index : that index compares data from the reference month with the data from the same month a year ago;
• Accumulated Index: that index compares the accumulated data in the year, from January to the reference month, with the data from the same period a year ago;
• Accumulated Index 12 Months : that index compares the data accumulated in the last 12 reference months with the data from the 12 immediately previous months; and
• Other Indexes : for example, the seasonally unadjusted Month/Month index can be obtained from the Monthly Fixed-Base Index or from SIDRA, the statistical database available on .
The seasonal adjustment – for salaried employed personnel, number of hours paid and real value of the payroll, in a national level, for overall industry, mining and quarrying industry and manufacturing industry – was obtained by means of the X-12 ARIMA method. Click here for more details on the adopted procedures.
The indexes herein presented are preliminary. They can be altered in case respondents change their historical data and in case those data impact the indexes published in the reference year (N year) and in the immediately previous year (N-1 year). The indexes become definite only from the N-2 year on.
Further information on methodological procedures can be obtained in the Coordination of Industry (COIND), at 500/4th floor República do Chile Ave., Zip Code 20031-170, Rio de Janeiro or by the telephones (21) 2142-0067 and 2142-4513. Specific inquiries can be sent to .
Table 1 – Salaried Employed Personnel
Statistics | General Industry | Manufacturing Industry | Quarrying and Mining Industry | |||||||
Sample cut-off (period) | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | |||||||
Series Structure | Multiplicative | Multiplicative | Multiplicative | |||||||
Leap Year | No | No | No | |||||||
ARIMA Model | (010)(011) | (010)(011) | (211)(011) | |||||||
RegARIMA Associated with the Model | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||||
Prediction | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | |||||||
FED8 | 77.96 | 77.95 | 4.77 | |||||||
FMD8 | 2.42 | 2.50 | 0.51 | |||||||
Diagnosis | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | |||||||
Seasonal Filter | 3X5 | 3X5 | 3X5 | |||||||
Trend Filter | MMH9 | MMH9 | MMH13 | |||||||
M1 to M11 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M1, M4, M8, M10, M11 > 1 | |||||||
Q | 0.21 | 0.23 | 0.93 | |||||||
Diagnosis for Seasonality Diagnosis for TDs (Trading Days), Easter and Carnival |
Adjust for Seasonality | Adjust for Seasonality | Adjust for Seasonality |
General Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 4.31 | 10.17 | 85.52 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 1.51 | 1459 | 83.89 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 0.66 | 21.95 | 77.40 | 0 | 0 | |
Manufacturing Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 4.15 | 67.15 | 28.70 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 1.43 | 75.34 | 23.23 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 0.64 | 81.84 | 17.52 | 0 | 0 | |
Quarrying and Mining Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 40.45 | 12.13 | 47.42 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 31.30 | 28.92 | 39.78 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 18.00 | 38.96 | 43.04 | 0 | 0 |
Table 2 – Number of Hours Paid
Statistics | General Industry | Manufacturing Industry | Quarrying and Mining Industry | |||
Sample cut-off (period) | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | |||
Series Structure | Multiplicative | Multiplicative | Additive | |||
Leap Year | No | No | No | |||
ARIMA Model | (211)(011) | (211)(011) | (211)(011) | |||
RegARIMA Associated with the Model | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||
Prediction | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | |||
FED8 | 156.07 | 157.06 | 15.06 | |||
FMD8 | 0.97 | 0.89 | 1.97 | |||
Diagnosis | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | |||
Seasonal Filter | 3X5 | 3X5 | 3X5 | |||
Trend Filter | MMH13 | MMH13 | MMH13 | |||
M1 to M11 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M10, M11 > 1 | |||
Q | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.64 | |||
Diagnosis for Seasonality Diagnosis for TDs (Trading Days), Easter and Carnival |
Adjust for Seasonality | Adjust for Seasonality | Adjust for Seasonality |
General Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 4.18 | 1.52 | 94.30 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 2.55 | 3.06 | 94.39 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 1.15 | 5.00 | 93.86 | 0 | 0 | |
Manufacturing Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 4.21 | 1.53 | 94.26 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 2.56 | 3.09 | 94.35 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 1.15 | 5.03 | 93.83 | 0 | 0 | |
Quarrying and Mining Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 15.78 | 5.79 | 78.43 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 13.28 | 14.26 | 72.46 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 9.37 | 23.40 | 67.23 | 0 | 0 |
Table 3 – Real Payroll
Statistics | General Industry | Manufacturing Industry | Quarrying and Mining Industry | |||
Sample cut-off (period) | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | 2000.12 to 2007.12 | |||
Series Structure | Multiplicative | Multiplicative | Multiplicative | |||
Leap Year | No | No | No | |||
ARIMA Model | (210) (011) | (210) (011) | (210) (011) | |||
RegARIMA Associated with the Model | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||
Prediction | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | 12 months ahead | |||
FED8 | 547.96 | 607.95 | 26.11 | |||
FMD8 | 0.82 | 0.71 | 0.55 | |||
Diagnosis | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) ) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | Identifiable Seasonality Present (ISP) | |||
Seasonal Filter | 3X9 | 3 X 5 | 3 X 5 | |||
Trend Filter | MMH13 | MMH13 | MMH13 | |||
M1 to M11 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M1 to M11 < 1 | M1 to M11 < 1 | |||
Q | 0.18 | 0.19 | 0.47 | |||
Diagnosis for Seasonality Diagnosis for TDs (Trading Days), Easter and Carnival |
Adjust for Seasonality Adjust for Carnival and Easter [1] | Adjust for Seasonality | Adjust for Seasonality Adjust for Carnival |
General Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 2.08 | 0.56 | 97.14 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 1.14 | 1.17 | 97.57 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 0.81 | 2.04 | 97.07 | 0 | 0 | |
Manufacturing Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 1.12 | 0.51 | 98.37 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 0.50 | 1.06 | 98.45 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 0.45 | 1.88 | 97.67 | 0 | 0 | |
Quarrying and Mining Industry | ||||||
Months | Irregular | Trend | Seasonal | A2(*) | Calendar, Easter and Carnival | |
1 | 10.01 | 1.47 | 68.19 | 20.33 | 0 | |
2 | 5.67 | 3.46 | 81.97 | 8.90 | 0 | |
3 | 2.69 | 4.43 | 84.23 | 8.65 | 0 |
Salaried Employed Persons (POA)
Total salaried persons in activity (paid by hour or month) in the last day of the survey's reference month, with or without a formal contract, permanent or temporary, attached or not to the production process.
Hirings (ADM)
Total salaried persons hired during the survey's reference month.
Layoffs (DES)
Total salaried persons separated from their companies during the survey's reference month (layoffs, on legal grounds, resignations, by agreement, retirements, deaths, etc.).
Number of Hours Paid (NHP)
Total number of hours paid to the Salaried Employed Persons - including overtime - during the reference month, even when absent for a period no longer than 30 days. Indicators for the number of hours paid per salaried person are also estimated and presented as Average Number of Hours Paid.
Value of the Payroll (VFP)
Total value of the Payroll of the salaried employed persons for the reference month, including: contract wages, overtime pay, 13th wage, compensation at the end of contracts and indemnities, commissions and percentage payments and share of profits.
The Payroll is presented in four categories: Value of the Nominal Payroll; , Value of the Average Nominal Payroll (payroll divided by the number of salaried persons); Value of the Real Payroll(deflated); and Value of the Average Real Payroll (deflated and divided by the number of salaried persons).
Turnover Rate (TxR)
This is the ratio between hirings and separations in the survey’s reference month and the total number of salaried employed persons in the immediately previous month, multiplied by 100. The rate accounts for the percentage of the number of workers substituted for others in the total amount of workers.
Hiring Rate
This rate corresponds to the ratio between hirings in the survey’s reference month and the total number of salaried employed persons in the immediately previous month, multiplied by 100. It accounts for the percentage of the number of hired workers in the total amount of workers.
Layoff Rate
This rate corresponds to the ratio between separations in the survey’s reference month and the total number of salaried employed persons in the immediately previous month, multiplied by 100. It accounts for the percentage of the number of separated workers in the total amount of workers.
Displacement Rate
This rate corresponds to the ratio between the sum of hirings and separations in the survey’s reference month and the total number of salaried employed persons in the immediately previous month, multiplied by 100. It accounts for the of entry and exit flows of workers in the workplace, that is, the amount of people who changed their places of work or whose employment situation changed between a t period and a t-1 period.
Ordinance on pre-release access (in Portuguese)
Divulgação dos resultados de indicadores conjunturais
Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão
(Publicada no Diário Oficial da União nº 213, Seção 1, de 06.11.2007)
O MINISTRO DE ESTADO DO PLANEJAMENTO, ORÇAMENTO E GESTÃO, no uso das atribuições que lhe confere o inciso II, do artigo 87 da Constituição Federal, resolve:
Art. 1º - A divulgação dos resultados de indicadores conjunturais produzidos pela Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE seguirá as seguintes etapas:
I - às sete horas do dia da divulgação serão encaminhados os resultados, acompanhados de um sumário-executivo elaborado pelo IBGE, para as autoridades da lista de precedência;
II - às nove horas do dia da divulgação serão encaminhados os resultados para os órgãos de imprensa e disseminados na Internet, através do sítio
§ 1º. Os técnicos do IBGE estarão disponíveis para prestar esclarecimentos aos usuários sobre os resultados da pesquisa divulgada a partir do encaminhamento de que trata o inciso II do caput.
§ 2º. O disposto nesta portaria aplica-se a qualquer indicador conjuntural produzido pelo IBGE, especialmente aos seguintes:
I - Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC);
II - Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA);
III - Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo - Especial (IPCA-E);
IV - Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA-15);
V - Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME);
VI - Contas Nacionais Trimestrais;
VII - Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil);
VIII - Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional);
IX - Pesquisa Industrial Mensal de Emprego e Salário - (PIMES);
X - Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC);
XI - Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI);
XII - Conjuntura Agropecuária (Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola - mensal; Pesquisa Trimestral de Abate de Animais; Pesquisa Trimestral de Leite; Pesquisa Trimestral de Produção de Ovos de Galinha; Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro).
Art. 2° - A relação das autoridades constantes da lista de precedência específica a cada pesquisa de indicadores conjunturais, será divulgada por intermédio de Nota Oficial da Instituição e disseminada no portal do IBGE na Internet, através do sítio
Art. 3º - As autoridades constantes da lista de precedência deverão observar o mais rigoroso sigilo das informações referentes aos indicadores de que trata esta Portaria, nos termos do disposto na Lei nº 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990.
Art. 4º - Revogam-se as Portarias nº 164/MP, de 20 de dezembro de 1999, e nº 167/MP, de 5 de setembro de 2003.
Art. 5º - Esta Portaria entra em vigor na data de sua publicação.
O IBGE divulga a relação das autoridades que recebem com precedência os resultados das pesquisas conjunturais produzidas por esta Instituição:
Ministra do Planejamento e Orçamento – Simone Nassar Tebet Rocha
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo - Especial (IPCA-E)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA-15)
- Contas Nacionais Trimestrais
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil)
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços (PMS)
- Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI)
- Conjuntura Agropecuária
- Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola - mensal
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Abate de Animais
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Leite
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Produção de Ovos de Galinha
- Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro
- Índice de Preços ao Produtor - Indústrias Extrativas e de Transformação (IPP)
- Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua)
Ministro da Fazenda – Fernando Haddad
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo - Especial (IPCA-E)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA-15)
- Contas Nacionais Trimestrais
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil)
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços (PMS)
- Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI)
- Conjuntura Agropecuária
- Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola - mensal
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Abate de Animais
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Leite
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Produção de Ovos de Galinha
- Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro
- Índice de Preços ao Produtor - Indústrias Extrativas e de Transformação (IPP)
- Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua)
Ministro do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços - Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin Filho
- Contas Nacionais Trimestrais
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil)
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços (PMS)
- Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua)
Presidente do Banco Central - Gabriel Muricca Galípolo
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo - Especial (IPCA-E)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA-15)
- Contas Nacionais Trimestrais
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil)
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços (PMS)
- Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI)
- Conjuntura Agropecuária
- Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola - mensal
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Abate de Animais
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Leite
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Produção de Ovos de Galinha
- Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro
- Índice de Preços ao Produtor - Indústrias Extrativas e de Transformação (IPP)
- Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua)
Presidente da Caixa Econômica Federal - Carlos Antônio Vieira Fernandes
- Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI)
Chefe de Gabinete Adjunto de Informações em Apoio à Decisão do Gabinete Pessoal do Presidente da República - Sandra Márcia Chagas Brandão
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo - Especial (IPCA-E)
- Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA-15)
- Contas Nacionais Trimestrais
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Brasil (PIM-PF Brasil)
- Pesquisa Industrial Mensal - Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF Regional)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio (PMC)
- Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços (PMS)
- Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil (SINAPI)
- Conjuntura Agropecuária
- Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola - mensal
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Abate de Animais
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Leite
- Pesquisa Trimestral de Produção de Ovos de Galinha
- Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro
- Índice de Preços ao Produtor - Indústrias Extrativas e de Transformação (IPP)
- Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNAD Contínua)
Presidente do IBGE
Marcio Pochmann
Atualizado em 8 de janeiro de 2025
Divulgação dos resultados de indicadores estruturais
Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão
(Publicada no Diário Oficial da União edição número 20 de 28/01/2005)
O MINISTRO DE ESTADO DO PLANEJAMENTO, ORÇAMENTO E GESTÃO, INTERINO, no uso das atribuições que lhe confere o art. 87, parágrafo único, incisos I e II, da Constituição e considerando o disposto no art. 27, inciso XVII, alínea "c", da Lei nº 10.683, de 28 de maio de 2003, resolve:
Art. 1º - Disciplinar os procedimentos a serem observados na divulgação dos resultados de indicadores estruturais produzidos pela Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE.
Art. 2º Os resultados serão encaminhados pela Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE ao Ministro do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, com antecedência mínima de quarenta e oito horas do horário fixado no art. 3º, inciso I, desta Portaria.
Art. 3º No dia da divulgação dos resultados dos indicadores de que trata esta Portaria, serão observados:
I - liberação para a imprensa e disponibilização pela Internet, no endereço: (, às 10 horas;
II - os técnicos do IBGE somente poderão prestar esclarecimentos sobre os resultados dos indicadores estruturais após a liberação e publicação na forma do inciso I.
Art. 4º Os servidores que tenham conhecimento prévio dos resultados deverão manter rigoroso sigilo, sob pena de responsabilidade nos termos da Lei nº 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990.
Art. 5º Esta Portaria entra em vigor na data de sua publicação.