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Favelas and Poor Urban Communities


Favelas and Poor Urban Communities are popular territories originated from several strategies used by the population to address, usually in autonomous and collective form, their housing needs and associated uses (trade, services, leisure and culture, among others), in the face of the lack and inadequacy of public policies and private investments aimed at assuring the right to the city. In many cases, due to their shared origin, relations of neighborhood, community engagement and intense use of common spaces, they constitute identity and community representation.

In Brazil, these spaces appear in different forms and nomenclature, like favelas, invaded areas, poor communities, slums in backwaters, slums in deep valleys, slums in low-lands, slums in villages, shacks, stilt houses, informal allotments and hut villages, among others, expressing geographic, historical and cultural differences in their formation.

Favelas and poor urban communities express the socio-spatial inequality of the Brazilian urbanization. They portray the incompleteness - the precariousness, in the limit - of the governmental policies and private investments to provide an urban infrastructure, public services, collective equipment and environmental protection to the sites where they are located, reproducing conditions of vulnerability. They become worsened with the legal insecurity of the ownership, which also compromises the guarantee of the right to housing and the legal protection against forced evictions and displacements. Click here to check the criteria used by the IBGE to identify favelas and poor urban communities.


About the publication - 2019 - Preliminary results

A Subnormal Agglomerate is a type of irregular occupation of land owned by others – either public or private – for housing purposes in urban areas. In general, they are characterized by a irregular urban pattern, lack of essential public services and location in areas restricted to occupation.

Aiming at meeting the demand of the Brazilian society that is currently facing a major crisis of public health, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the IBGE provides, in a preliminary format, the mapping of the Subnormal Agglomerates. A population with precarious socioeconomic, sanitation and housing conditions usually lives in these areas. As an aggravating factor, many Subnormal Agglomerates have a very high building density, which allows the dissemination of the Covid-19.

As such, it is an anticipation of results, aiming at providing the society with information for fighting against the coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) pandemic, especially important for those vulnerable areas of the Brazilian cities.

In addition to mapping, the estimate of occupied households for the Subnormal Agglomerates is also being released. This estimate is the amount of occupied households estimated by the IBGE to be enumerated in a given territorial division. This forecast is either confirmed or revised only after the census. The objective is to provide an up-to-date parameter of the size of the agglomerates for the purpose of health policies.

The final results of the Subnormal Agglomerates will be released after the census operation and can be adjusted.

More on the product - 2019 - Preliminary results




  • Readme - Description of the file structure
  • Technical notes - Subnormal Agglomerates 2019: Preliminary Classification to fight against COVID-19


Interactive panels

Learn more - 2019 - Preliminary results

Esta versão preliminar incorpora atualizações até dezembro de 2019 e é formada por 13 152 Aglomerados Subnormais. Esses aglomerados estão localizados em 734 Municípios, em todos os Estados e no Distrito Federal, e totalizam 5 127 747 domicílios.

O usuário deve atentar às limitações desta base de dados. Em relação à estimativa de domicílios ocupados, o dado tem como ponto de partida os dados do Censo Demográfico de 2010. Para algumas áreas, ocorreram atualizações de campo e, para outras, foram feitas estimativas menos precisas, sempre usando as melhores informações disponíveis. O objetivo primário desta estimativa é subsidiar a operação do Censo Demográfico 2020, oferendo uma informação sobre a ordem de grandeza de cada área para distribuição do trabalho entre os recenseadores. Essa estimativa não é comparável com os resultados do Censo Demográfico de 2010 ou com outras fontes de informações de IBGE.

Podem ser encontradas, nesta versão, diferenças de nome do aglomerado, extensão e sua classificação, pois estes dados ainda serão validados junto às prefeituras por meio de Reuniões de Apoio ao Censo – REPAC durante o processo de preparação do Censo Demográfico 2020. Novas áreas definidas que não constavam em versões passadas neste momento estão sendo atualizadas para permitir uma comparação em futuras divulgações oficiais do Censo Demográfico 2020. Portanto, não é recomendado realizar comparações desta base de dados com publicações de Censos passados.

A quantidade e a proporção de domicílios em Aglomerados Subnormais estão disponibilizadas em quatro escalas: Aglomerado Subnormal, Município, Regiões de busca a serviços de saúde de baixa e média complexidade (resultados preliminares da pesquisa REGIC 2018), e Estados.


News and Releases

IBGE launches interactive dashboard to help municipalities fight the pandemic

The IBGE launches today (21) the Covid-19 Dashboard by Municipality, with interactive maps that enable...


Nearly two thirds of slums are less than 2 kilometers from hospitals

Brazil has nearly two thirds (64.93%) of the subnormal agglomerates located less than two kilometers...


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What is a Favela and a Poor Urban Community?
Favelas and Poor Urban Communities are popular territories originated from several strategies used by the population to address, usually in autonomous and collective form, their housing needs and associated uses (trade, services, leisure and culture, among others), in the face of the lack and inadequacy of public policies and private investments aimed at assuring the right to the city. In many cases, due to their shared origin, neighborhood relations, community engagement and intense use of common spaces, they constitute identity and community representation.

In Brazil, these spaces appear in different forms and nomenclatures, like favelas, invaded areas, poor communities, slums in backwaters, slums in deep valleys, slums in low-lands, slums in villages, shacks, stilt houses, informal allotments and hut villages, among others, expressing geographic, historical and cultural differences in their formation.

What are the criteria used by the IBGE to identify these areas?
The IBGE uses the following criteria to identify favelas and poor urban communities:

  • Predominance of households with different degrees of legal insecurity of ownership, and at least one of the other criteria below;
  • Lack or incomplete and/or precarious supply of public services (street and residential lightning, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage systems and regular garbage collection) by competent institutions; and/or
  • Predominance of buildings, street layout and infrastructure usually self-produced and/or guided by urban and construction parameters different from those established by public bodies; and/or
  • Location in areas with restrictions to occupation established by either the environmental or urban legislation, like land strips of roads and railways, energy transmission lines and protected areas, among others; or in urban sites characterized as areas of environmental risk (geological, geomorphological, climate, hydrological and of contamination).

How was the change from Subnormal Agglomerate into Favela and Poor Urban Community?
The information about this process can be found on the Methodological Note about the change from Subnormal Agglomerate into Favela and Poor Urban Community. More information can be obtained on the National Meeting for the Production, Analysis and Dissemination of Information on Favelas and Poor Urban Communities in Brazil website.