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The Geography of Coffee | 2016


The series Territorial Dynamics of Agricultural Production has the objective of monitoring the spatial displacement of products selected from national agribusiness that have gained significance in the restructuring of the Brazilian rural space. The Geography of Coffee is expected to contribute to the production of a comprehensive view that joins quantitative and qualitative aspects of what has been called, throughout the years and under different perspectives, rural industry, agroindustry, agroindustry complex, productive chain, production circuit, among other designations, by providing awareness of the strong cross sector relations and of the interests that constitute the territorial dynamics of the Brazilian agricultural production nowadays.

Agriculture, mainly coffee production, has an economic, historical and geopolitical relevance in Brazil, since it helped shape the several forms of appropriation and use of the huge assortment of subtropical and tropical nature that forms the country. The present survey focuses on coffee, a product that has shaped not only the economic history of the country, but also its cultural, social and political identity and, that still nowadays lies in the center of a contemporary view of the territorial dynamics of agricultural production in Brazil. It is a study about the geographic world of coffee, the system of positions created by that socio-economy: the places responsible for the supply of inputs and agricultural machinery, the places of harvesting activity, the ones used for the transportation of harvested coffee and for the flow of coffee products, the places of industrial processing and trade. 

This study is characterized by a summarized approach, both at thematic level and with reference to the sources of data and methods of analyses adopted, a combination of the spatial analysis of statistical data (Municipal Agricultural Production – PAM, Center Registry of Enterprises – Cempre and other IBGE surveys, besides official sources such as the  Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, etc.) with field and bibliographical surveys in order to portray, in a comprehensive and integrated way, the territory that coffee helps build in Brazil.

About the publication - 2016

With The Geography of Coffee, the IBGE brings to the public the first results of the Project Territorial Dynamics of the Agricultural Production, which aims at monitoring the spatial dislocation and portraying the contemporary geography of the products of this important economic activity. Thus, there was a selection of products that, throughout time, reached a historical importance, both in terms of economy and of the settlement of the Brazilian territory. That is why coffee inaugurates this series.

For carrying out the present study, the sources used were data from the Municipal Agricultural Production - PAM, between 1975 and 2013, from the Census of Agriculture, as well as from the Survey of Stocks and the Central Register of Enterprises - CEMPRE, both relative to 2013. They allowed tracing the geographic pathways of coffee in the National Territory. Besides the internal database, the current study also took into consideration statistics on the exportation of agricultural commodities from the Foreign Trade Secretariat - SECEX.

Those are the eyes that help us decipher contemporary Brazil, which has its territory rearticulated and, at the same time, continuously fragmentized due to all sorts of interests, at national, regional and local levels. They are also responsible for making geographic knowledge crucial for understanding the present and projecting the future of a Country of continental size, whose analysis implies the rereading of regional realities in constant transformation.

The results hereby released are expected to give support to the consolidation of the geographic context of reference for statistical dissemination and analysis, which are so important for the deep understanding of the complex reality of contemporary Brazil.

More on the product - 2016



Learn more - 2016



What is the series Territorial Dynamics of Agricultural Production?
The series Territorial Dynamics of Agricultural Production aims at monitoring the spatial dislocation and revealing the contemporary geography of the main products from this important economic segment. Therefore, those which have reached a relevant place in the Brazilian rural space structure were selected. It is worth highlighting the importance that this issue has gained in the contemporary climate change debate and related policies for adaptation and damage reduction, as well as the different ways to manage soil and water resources for agricultural production.

Which surveys serve as input for these analyses?
The Municipal Agriculture Production – PAM, the Census of Agriculture, the Survey of Stocks and the Central Register of Enterprises – CEMPRE. Besides the internal database, the statistics of agricultural commodities exportation from the Secretariat of Foreign Trade – SECEX are also used.

What is the analyses’ main goal?
The expected result is to contribute to the production of a wide and articulated framework with quantitative and qualitative basis of what has been called, from different perspectives and times, rural industry, agribusiness,  agro-industrial complex, production chain, production circuit, and others, conveying the idea of a strong intersectoral relation of interests that forms, nowadays, the spatial dynamics of the Brazilian agricultural production. 

Which products have already been released in this series?
Coffee and Sugar Cane.

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