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Municipalities facing the sea
The product derives from the updated Digital Municipal Mesh. The IBGE revises it annually as it is a basis for its Surveys and Censuses. The new version replaces that of 2015, in compliance with item I, of of Article 4 of Section I of Chapter II of Decree 5300 of December 7, 2004, which determines that the IBGE prepare a list of coastal municipalities (“...municipalities facing the sea, as defined by a list made by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Foundation – IBGE…”).
Technical Information
Technical Note
The coast line described here does not intend to portray the average tide line or the influence of the coastal dynamics, or even to cover the typical contours of our coast (bays, deltas or other estuary-lagoon systems); neither does it result from fluvial-marine erosion studies.
For what it is worth, this study has nothing to do with the list of municipalities with a direct influence on the phenomena taking place in the coastal area as described by the MMA in Ordinance No. 461, of 12/13/2018. Moreover, this product must not be used as a reference for the analyses of Decree 93.189/86, which regulates the tracing of the projected borderlines between the land areas of states and municipalities and the sea facing them.
About the publication - 2022
This publication includes the borders of the municipalities facing the sea plus the area of Lagoa dos Patos (RS).
This publication is the result of geoprocessing operations based on the 2022 Digital Municipal Mesh, available on the following address:
Therefore, this publication inherits all the characteristics and conditions of use associated with the 2022 Digital Municipal Mesh.
- The cartographic bases available are compatible with the original scale of work - 1:250,000, without any suppression of points, according to the technical criteria pre-established by IBGE/DGC/CETE.
- Geodetic System of Reference - SIRGAS 2000
- System of Geographic Coordinates
- Text codification - UTF-8
This publication comprises two geospatial files in SHP and KML formats, one spreadsheet in XLS and ODS formats containing only the attributes and one map.
Sedes_Municipios_defrontantes_com_o_Mar_2022: This is the representation of the points that represent the municipal capitals of each municipality of the region. It comprises 279 points. It shows the following attributes:
- NM_REGIAO: Informs the name of the geographic Region that the municipality belongs to.
- CD_UF: Numeric code associated by the IBGE to the State that the municipality belongs to.
- NM_UF: Name of the State that the municipality belongs to.
- SIGLA: Acronym of the State that the municipality belongs to.
- CD_MUN: Numeric code associated by the IBGE to the Municipality.
- NM_MUN: Name of the Municipality.
- LAT_SEDE: Latitude coordinate expressed in decimal degrees.
- LNG_SEDE: Longitude coordinate expressed in decimal degrees.
Municipios_Defrontantes_com_o_Mar_2022: This is the representation of the polygons of the municipalities facing the sea. It comprises 279 polygons of municipalities plus Lagoa dos Patos. It shows the following attributes:
- CD_MUN: Numeric code associated by the IBGE to the Municipality.
- NM_MUN: Name of the Municipality.
- SIGLA: Acronym of the State that the municipality belongs to.
- AREA_KM2: Total area of the municipality expressed in square kilometers.
- NM_REGIAO: Informs the name of the geographic Region that the municipality belongs to.
- CD_UF: Numeric code associated by the IBGE to the State that the municipality belongs to.
- NM_UF: Name of the State that the municipality belongs to.
More on the product - 2022
Learn more - 2022
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