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Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil | 2016


The study Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil constitutes a reference framework of urbanization in the country. It results from the adoption of criteria that have privileged integration among municipalities. The identification and  delimitation of the biggest agglomerations of people has been a subject of study by the IBGE since the 1960’s, as the phenomenon of urbanization became more intense and, gradually, more complex. The necessity of providing updated information about those subdivisions demands the identification and delimitation of urban locations that appear in cities of different sizes, due to the growing urban expansion, not only in areas with advanced economy, but in Brazil ad a whole.

With the purpose of providing a territory-based model of economic and social relations that are intrinsic to a urbanization process, this study presents an overview of the Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil. The approach with common criteria for all parts of the country has privileged integration elements, measured by pendular movements for work or study and the contiguous characteristics of the urban sprawl.

About the publication - 2016

In the study Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil, 294 population arrangements were identified, made of 938 municipalities encompassing 55.9% of the resident population in Brazil. They were the base to define, through population sections, the medium and large urban concentrations.

Representing the high-ranking areas of urbanization in Brazil, with more than 750 000 inhabitants, there are 26 large urban concentrations, in which 12 perform a metropolitan role. With more than 100 000 inhabitants up to 750 000 inhabitants, 158 medium urban concentrations were identified. They play the role of intermediate centers in the articulation of the national urban system.

The publication brings considerations on the theoretical references and methodological procedures adopted in the elaboration of the study and presents, through maps, the distribution of the population arrangements and urban concentrations by Federation Units and the main commutes in urban concentrations with more than 2.5 million inhabitants. 

In the 2nd edition, the data of those urban units were revised, with some differences from the previously published results. 

More on the product - 2016





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Distribution of the population arrangements by Federation Unit

Map 1.1 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Rondônia

Map 1.2 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Acre

Map 1.3 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Amazonas

Map 1.4 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Roraima

Map 1.5 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Pará

Map 1.6 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Amapá

Map 1.7 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Tocantins

Map 1.8 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Maranhão

Map 1.9 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Piauí

Map 1.10 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Ceará

Map 1.11 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Rio Grande do Norte

Map 1.12 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Paraíba

Map 1.13 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Pernambuco

Map 1.14 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Alagoas

Map 1.15 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Sergipe

Map 1.16 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Bahia

Map 1.17 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Minas Gerais

Map 1.18 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Espírito Santo

Map 1.19 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Rio de Janeiro

Map 1.20 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in São Paulo

Map 1.21 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Paraná

Map 1.22 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Santa Catarina

Map 1.23 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Rio Grande do Sul

Map 1.24 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Mato Grosso do Sul

Map 1.25 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Mato Grosso

Map 1.26 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Goiás

Map 1.27 - Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Distrito Federal

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Learn more - 2016




What is a population arrangement?
Groups of one or more municipalities with strongly integrated populations due to commuting to work or study, or to contiguity between urban sprawls. 

What is an Urban Concentration?
The Population Arrangements above 100 000 residents have urbanization as the main process to induce municipality integration.  Once they are directly related to the urban phenomenon and its dynamics, they have been called urban Concentrations. The Urban Concentrations are defined as follows: Isolated Municipalities and Population Arrangements, both with a population above 100 000 residents. Those arrangements have a high level of integration between their components, particularly with the center, with a great population size and urban sprawls that result from the expansion of one or more cities, forming conurbations with mixed shapes. 

What are Isolated Municipalities?                                                                    Those which do not take part in the Population Arrangements.

How often are the Population Arrangements and Urban Concentrations in Brazil updated?
The study is updated every ten years after the Population Census which generates data on commuting to work or study, one of the criteria for delimitation of those subdivisions. The IBGE is responsible for the update cycle of those products, due to either necessity or convenience. 

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