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Municipal Maps for Statistical Purposes
Municipal Maps for Statistical Purposes aim at carrying out the data collection and dissemination of the IBGE´s statistical surveys, especially the census operations.
The major goal of these maps is the representation of the geographic configuration of the municipal borders established by state institutions in charge of the Political-Administrative division, as well as of the legal territorial structures used to plan and implement the phases of data collection, compilation, tabulation, analysis and dissemination of geographic and statistical information.
Limited by the representation scales, the Statistical Municipal Maps (MMEs) also represent the borders of the territorial units of data collection and dissemination of the Censuses, i.e., the Enumeration Areas, especially those located in rural areas. They are complemented by the Statistical Urban Maps (MUEs), which show the Enumeration Areas located in urban areas, jointly with the relevant intra-municipal geographies to carry out censuses and surveys.
Technical Information
Technical Information
The 2022 Statistical Municipal Maps received significant improvements and technological innovations in relation to those produced to the 2010 Population Census, as a result of a number of analyses of the geographic data obtained during the data collection phase of the Population Census and updates of the political-administrative division.
They reflect the consolidation of the geographic knowledge, including the integration of the urban and rural pictures of the municipalities for the appropriate coverage of each municipal territory.
As a consequence, they are present in cartographic scales, predominantly established, in A2, A1 and A0 formats and in accordance with the ISO 216 Norm:
- 39.2% up to 1:25,000;
- 36.3% up to 1:50,000;
- 17.3% up to 1:100,000; e
- 7.2% smaller than 1:100,000
The following improvements and innovations should be highlighted:
- The maintenance of the territorial base in annual cycles through completely digital means, integrating urban and rural segments, adopting the GeoPDF format to allow the integration of all elements practiced by the IBGE, allows public agents, researchers, education establishments and persons with incipient skills to use these products in general;
- Prioritization of border lines (borders, state borders, municipal and district borders) and better characterization of the spot of urban areas, distribution of rural areas and official delimitation of special areas (officially-declared indigenous lands, officially-delimited quilombola territories, settlement projects and conservation units), hydrographic network and coastline, elements of the road system, hills or other forms of relief, which guarantee the control of the census operation and coverage in the entire national territory;
- The urban areas correspond to the aggregation of the enumeration areas classified as urban ones, defined for purposes of statistical data collection and dissemination only, according to methodological information detailed in the publication "2022 Population Census: 2022 Mesh of Enumeration Areas;"
- Prioritization of key planimetric elements, even considering the structural limitations of the cartographic update of natural and artificial topographical accidents;
- Flexibilization and adaptations in the typical pattern of cartographic conventions associated with the layout, line styles, colors, symbolisms, sources and dimensions of the nomenclatures for a visually-straightforward design to guide the complex evolution of costs-benefits;
- The adoption of mosaics of orbital images coupling ortho-rectified images from Planet Labs, enabled by the Brasil Mais program, which meet a vision of the landscape elements in terms of environment elements and agribusiness zones, as well as streamline the recognition of the region and the interpretation of the separation between urban and rural areas of the municipalities, incorporating a simplified and functional language of the municipal territory;
- Avoid inconsistencies in the border lines of municipal territories, mainly in terms of identification of assets and of municipal presence favoring the analysis of changes, by avoiding omissions, administrative insubordinations or invasions in installations and maintenance of infrastructures and services;
- Normalization of toponyms of municipalities, districts and localities identified through geospatial filters and analyses from data of previous censuses and sampling surveys, free of charge geo-services and field updating actions carried out by IBGE´s branches;
- Adoption of a system of geographic coordinates suitable to current field surveys adopted by the IBGE, in relation to the use of the system of UTM coordinates adopted in the 2010 Population Census and in previous censuses based on the digitalization of cartographic originals of the terrestrial systematic mapping. A system to check and certify the integrity and quality of the maps was developed in this context as well;
- The interoperability between platforms of geographic information systems with the integration of a map plugin in Phyton to assure uniformity of patterns, avoiding possible inconsistencies in the productive process with the best basic inputs and geo-services available, resulting in an efficient time use for the generation of digital maps.
The files of the Statistical Municipal Maps were based on the 2022 Digital Municipal Mesh, including the changes in the municipal borders informed to the IBGE up to April 30, 2023, according to the Methodological Note no. 01 of the population release on August 31, 2023.
The municipal border used by the IBGE for the Statistical Municipal Maps include the adjustments informed by the state offices to the IBGE up to July 30, 2022.
For the purpose of the Statistical Municiapl Maps, the officially-delimited indigenous lands comprise those that were declared, cetified, regulated and forwarded as indigenous lands until July 31, 2022, reference date of the survey, according to information provided by the National Indian Foundation (Funai).
The officially-delimited quilombola territories had their borders represented from a graphic file of Quilombola Areas available in the Land Archive of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) plus the areas informed by state and municipal offices in charge of land matters, under Decree no. 4.887, of 2003. For mapping purposes, the officially-delimited quilombola territories comprise those that showed some formal delimitation in Incra´s land archive or offices in charge of land matters in the states and municipalities on July 31, 2022. Quilombola territories whose delimitations are included in the vector file of settlement projects, but not transferred to the vector file of quilombola territories, were also considered according to the Incra´s Division of Identification and Recognition of Quilombola Territories (Incra/DFQ1). Questions on any aspect of the information compiled in this product should be directly delivered to the offices in charge of that information.
The borders oteh Settlement Projects represented were reproduced according to the Incra´s Land Archive. Projects listed on July 31, 2022 were taken into account,. Projects in the following categories currently practiced by Incra were represented on the maps: Federal Settlement Projects (PAs), Agroextractivism Settlement Projects (PAEs), Sustainable Development Projects (PDSs), Forest Settlement Projects (PAFs) and Descentralized Sustainable Settlement Projects (PDASs). Discountinued projects developed by Incra up to 1990s were <to/>represented as well: Colonization Projects (PCs), Integrated Colonization Projects (PICs), Fast Settlement Projects (PARs), Directed Settlement Projects (PADs), Joint Settlement Projects (PACs) and Quilombola Settlement Projects (PAQs). The categories recognized by Incra were also included: State Settlement Projects (PEs), Recognition of Background Pasture Settlements (PFPs), Dam Re-settlings (PRBs) and Municiapl Settlement Projects (PAMs).( In some municiaplities, settlement projects were omitted due to the extension of the units and limitations to the representation in the map scale. Questions on any aspect of the information compiled in this product should be directly delivered to Incra.
The borders of the Conservation Units represented have as reference the geo-referenced file of the National Registry of Conservation Units (CNUC), maintained by the Ministry of Enviroment jointly with municipal, state and federal offices. Whenever possible, Conservation Units existing up to July 31, 2022 are represented on the maps, reference date for the consolidation of the official borders in the 2022 Municipal Maps, taking into account the minimum time required to process this information in the Territorial Base and other IBGE registries. In some municiaplities, Conservation Units were omitted due to the extension of the units and limitations to the representation in the map scale. Due to scale limitations, Conservation Units of the category Private Ntural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) could not be represented on the maps. Questions on any aspect of the information compiled in this product should be directly delivered to the offices in charge of that information.
- The update of statistical maps is a critical and complex process that requires a careful planning and implementation, with sufficient time to guarantee the efficiency of the census steps to avoid quality conflicts among different users of the census chain;
- For an even greater number of persons, a printed map is an unknown product, as the direct interaction with maps in digital displays more and more common, which requires the revision of the representation methodologies of the mapped elements;
- In the past, the capacity to build maps depended on the availability of expert individuals, a huge industrial infrastructure, significant financial resources and long deadlines;
- In the last years, the fast advance of the Python platform in the structure of the IBGE´s Territorial Base, supported by the rennovation of the updaters, caused a radical technological transformation in the work;
- These transformations allowed the production of collections of census maps even faster, enabling scaled visuals that manage to follow up the territorial changes with a smaller periodicity;
- On top of the richness of the data available in several IBGE sources, the quality of the products has been gaining even greater proportions each year, becoming a consistent instrument which, coupled with the factors of visual acuity, geospatial precision and up-to-dateness, is key to the IBGE. Therefore, the IBGE encourages users, among municipalities and public in general, to suggest improvements.
- The municipal borders represented herein should not be considered as ooficial characterizations or demarcations. Although statistical maps are used as reference for different activities by public and private offices an by the society in general, the IBGE clarifies that Statistical Maps should not be used as legal instruments for the definition, localization, demarcation or public registry of real estate or to define the position of any type of urban equipment, parcel the municipal soil for the administration of the IPTU, TSU, ITBI, ISSQN or any other instrument of fiscal or territorial planning.
About the publication - 2022 Census: Statistical Urban Maps
This product brings together the collection of Statistical Urban Maps (MUE), in GeoPDF format, used as a reference for the 2022 Population Census. It is a direct byproduct of the Digital Territorial Base, structured based on continuous update cycles, in which the IBGE Territorial Base Supervision teams, present throughout the national territory, annually consolidate the Mesh of Enumeration Areas.
They translate the field scan resulting from the IBGE collection operation and can serve as a reference for a set of applications that depend on detailed knowledge of the occupation patterns of the national territory. However, in this cycle, for the first time, the maps were updated after the field data collection stage, so that they incorporate improvements in the classification of geospatial information, in the toponyms of the locations and in the other cartographic elements represented.
The MUEs represent the areas of cities, towns and urban centers, according to the classification of the Mesh of Enumeration Areas. They are produced on adapted scales, so that it is possible to identify the borders of the enumeration areas that make up the country's urbanized areas.
MUEs are considered to be extremely valuable digital thematic maps for understanding the territorial dynamics of urbanized areas in municipalities. They are constructed based on the classification of enumeration areas, since they allow visualization of the spatial distribution of urban occupation, expanding knowledge about the growth of human activity centers, residential areas, in addition to the possible environmental, economic, political, social and cultural impacts of urbanization in a given area.
For many municipalities, the MUE will be the most important input for processing geospatial information to support public policies in urban centers, and may also provide initial elements for master plans, soil use laws, real estate value plans, licensing of works and activities, mapping of public services such as waste collection, transportation systems, infrastructure, health and education networks, in addition to the most varied sectorizations, in order to improve quality of life, future businesses and sustainable development of municipalities.
The MUE also contemplates all the assumptions for the construction of Statistical Municipal Maps (MME), with emphasis on the recognition of the regions that encompass the limits of urban sectors. As a result, 90% of them are presented in scales of 1:750 to 1:1:10,000, with a small remaining percentage in scales up to 1:20,000.
All Urban Map files were created in accordance with the Digital Municipal Mesh of the Brazilian Political-Administrative Division, including territorial updates made between August 1, 2022, and changes in municipal borders communicated to the IBGE by July 31, 2022 by the competent State Agencies.
They represent a leap in quality from the version of the “locality maps” adopted in the 2010 and 2007 Censuses, mainly regarding updates resulting from the following factors:
- Identification of possible inconsistencies in the enumeration areas' borders, due to the improvement of cartographic inputs used, in order to avoid omissions or invasions of territory;
- Record of updates of the names of existing addresses in the enumeration area, as well as their use;
- Inclusion and exclusion of street blockfaces, and, indicating the need to change borders, when necessary;
- Identification of different uses of building addresses throughout the collection operation;
- Identification of characteristics of urban services and equipment in existing blockfaces (paving, public lighting, etc.);
- Construction of descriptive maps of urban sectors.
This is the result of a radical technological transformation in work processes, through the creation of a Python plugin that combines the data geoservices available through the IBGE Territorial Base, with the following aspects being highlighted:
- Database of road infrastructure, hydrography, locations and meshes of enumeration;
- Application of a simplified data layer model;
- Less resources used and shorter deadlines provided by digital evolution;
- Expanding the potential value for real use of maps in the public domain.
It is also worth noting that in the past, the ability to construct maps depended on the availability and skills of qualified individuals, huge industrial infrastructure, significant amounts of financial resources and long deadlines.
The most important aspect of this transformation is the opportunity to generate and regenerate Thematic Maps more often, allowing for the progressive monitoring of changes in shorter time intervals, which combine all available data, increasing the quality of information each year and proving to be a consistent instrument, combined with the factors of visual clarity and geospatial precision, which make them essential for the IBGE, in addition to counting on the occasional feedback from improvements coming from municipalities and the general public.
This version is a contribution from the IBGE Census Cartography, as it allows for the assessment of the relationship between their occupants, places and environments in light of the continued advancement of changes in human settlements, and in line with the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF).
For the purposes of the Municipal Statistical Maps, the set of officially delimited Indigenous Lands was formed by those that were in the land status of reported, approved, regularized and designed as Indigenous reserves until July 31, 2022, the reference date of the survey, according to information provided by the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples – Funai.
The officially delimited Quilombola Territories had their borders represented from the graphic file of Quilombola Areas available in the Land Collection of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – Incra, plus the areas reported by the state and municipal agencies with land powers, pursuant to Decree No. 4,887 of 2003. For mapping purposes, the set of officially delimited Quilombola Territories was formed by those that presented some formal delimitation in the land collection of INCRA or of the agencies with land powers in the states and municipalities on July 31, 2022. Quilombola territories whose delimitations appear in the vector file of Settlement Projects were also considered, but whose delimitations had not been transferred to the vector file of Quilombola territories, as indicated by the Division of Identification and Recognition of Quilombola Territories of INCRA (INCRA/DFQ1). Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be directly forwarded to the agencies responsible for the information.
The borders of the Settlement Projects represented were reproduced in accordance with the Land Collection of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA. The projects listed on July 31, 2022 were considered. The projects in the following categories currently practiced by INCRA were represented on the maps: Federal Settlement Projects (PA), Agroextractive Settlement Projects (PAE), Sustainable Development Projects (PDS), Forest Settlement Project (PAF) and Decentralized Sustainable Settlement Project (PDAS). Projects created by INCRA until the 1990s and whose modalities were discontinued were also represented: Colonization Projects (PC), Integrated Colonization Projects (PIC), Rapid Settlement Projects (PAR), Directed Settlement Projects (PAD), Joint Settlement Projects (PAC) and Quilombola Settlement Projects (PAQ). The categories recognized by INCRA were also included: State Settlement Project (PE), Recognition of Pasture Land Settlement (PFP) and Dam Resettlement (PRB) and Municipal Settlement Project (PAM). In some municipalities, the Settlement Projects had to be omitted due to the size of the units and the limitations of representation on the map scale. Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be forwarded directly to the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA.
The bourders of the Conservation Units represented are based on the georeferenced file of the National Registry of Conservation Units (CNUC), maintained by the Ministry of the Environment with the collaboration of federal, state and municipal management agencies. The maps represent, whenever possible, Conservation Units existing up to July 31, 2022, the reference date for the consolidation of official borders in the 2022 Municipal Maps, taking into account the minimum time required to process this information in the Territorial Base and other IBGE registries. In some Municipalities, Conservation Units had to be omitted due to the extension characteristics of the units and the limitations of representation on the map scale. Conservation Units in the category of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN), due to scale limitations, could not be represented on the maps. Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be directly forwarded to the agencies responsible for the information.
Learn more - 2022 Census: Statistical Urban Maps
The Municipal Maps for Statistical Purposes serve as a tool for the execution of the collection and dissemination stages of the IBGE statistical surveys, especially census operations.
The main objective of these maps is to represent the geographic configuration of the municipal borders defined by the state institutions legally responsible for the Political-Administrative division, in addition to the current legal territorial structures used for the planning and execution of the collection, verification, tabulation, analysis and dissemination stages of statistical and geographic information.
Considering the limitations of the representation scales, the Municipal Statistical Maps (MME) also represent the borders of the territorial units for the collection and dissemination of Census statistics, that is, the Enumeration Areas, mainly those located in rural areas. They are complemented by the set of Statistical Urban Maps (MUE), which present the borders of the Enumeration Areas located in urban areas, accompanied by the intra-municipal divisions relevant for conducting censuses and surveys.
We would like to point out that positional discrepancies may be found in relation to the real world in some areas of the territory, depending on the time of incorporation of data from the census collection.
We would like to warn that some data generated may occasionally present imperfections in the georeferencing conditions, such as inconsistent extensions and azimuths. There might be outdated or even missing name attributes, due to some impossibility in establishing a link with the street name.
Finally, this product reflects the limitations of the context in which it was produced, that is, it was created with the main purpose of enabling statistical surveys. The IBGE is not responsible for correcting any imperfections that may exist. When using this database, users must be aware of these limitations.
With this release, the IBGE seeks to encourage the updating of records and registers, allowing not only comparisons to be made, but also possible corrections and incorporation of data from other sources.
In this context, the IBGE appreciates receiving reports of any errors and encourages the deepening of partnerships that allow for more consistent and precise geospatial data to contribute to the progressive evolution of its records.