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Updating of the description of the following set of variables: B0011, B0012, B0013, B0014, B0015, B0016, B0017, B0018, B0019, B00110, B00111, B00112, V1012, V1016 in the microdata dictionary of PNAD-COVID19

Responsável:  Diretoria de Pesquisas
Agrupador Erramos: Monthly Edition#pnadcovid2
Data: 2020-07-01 10:00


1) Text change in vartiables B0011, B0012, B0013, B0014, B0015, B0016, B0017, B0018, B0019, B00110, B00111, B00112
From: In the last seven days
To: Last week

2) Description change in variable V1012
From: 1 to 5
To: 1 to 4

3) Description change in variable V1016
From: 1 to 5 and “Interview number (1 to 5)”
To: 1 to 99 and “Interview number”

Actions: The file was amended and replaced.