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Update, on SIDRA, of microdata and tables from Quarterly Continuous PNAD and Annual Continuous PNAD: Primary healthcare 2022
Correction of quarterly microdata relative to Q2 2019 and Q2 2022, besides annual microdata ãrelative to Q2 2022.
Correction of three tables from Continuous PNAD on SIDRA: one from the quarterly release and the otehr two from Primary healthcare. The following tables were updated: 5919 (Quarterly) and 8412 and 9035 (Primary healthcare).
Actions: The aforementioned microdata and tables were corrected and replaced on SIDRA.
Product : Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Updating of tables of number of informants of the Experimental Statistcs of Raw milk price paid to producer - 2022
Amendment of the number of informants in the tables of the Experimental Statistics of Raw milk price paid to producer, in the four quarters of 2022.
Actions: The tables have been amended and the files have been replaced on the Portal.
Product : Quarterly Survey of Milk - Raw milk price paid to producers
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Updating of tables of System of National Accounts: Brazil 2020
Amendment of Synoptic Tables 16, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3 and 17, Table of the Integrated Intermediate Accounts (CEI), Table Economic accounts at current prices, according to accounts, transactions and balances.
Actions: The related tables have been amended and replaced on the Portal.
Product : System of National Accounts - System of National Accounts: Brazil
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Updating of publication “IBGE Indicators: Statistics of Livestock Production – Oct-Dec 2022”
Amendment of amount of whole rawhide acquired by tanning houses in the year of 2022, on page 54 of the “IBGE Indicators: Statistics of Livestock Production – Oct-Dec 2022” publication.
Actions: The text has been amended and the file has been replaced on Portal.ctions
Product : Quarterly Survey of Leather - Complete results
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Data revision of Forestry Activities 2020
The 2020 data of the production of Pequi in the Municipality of Boa Hora, in Piauí, were not informed by the participants of the Municipal Agriculture Meetings.
Actions: The files have been amended and replaced in the SIDRA and BME databases, as well as on the IBGE Portal.
Product : Forestry Activities
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of tables with weights per sub-item related to IPCA of May and July 2011
The percentages related to the weights of some groups, sub-groups, items and sub-items of the IPCA in the months of May and July 2011 were incorrect.
Actions: The files were amended and replaced.
Product : Extended National Consumer Price Index
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Update of Continuous PNAD tables - Income from all sources 2012-2021, on SIDRA
Correction of 2 Continuous PNAD tables - Income from all sources 2012-2021, on SIDRA.
The updated tables were: 7448 and 7454.
Actions: The tables were corrected and republished.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Annual dissemination
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of the publication 2022 Summary of Social Indicators
Graph 7, on page 64, lacked data on the Espírito Santo Federation Unit.
Actions: Errata were included in the file disclosed on the IBGE portal and in the printed publication.
Product : Summary of Social Indicators - Summary of Social Indicators
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of table of 2022 Summary of Social Indicators
Processing error in table 3.71 of the table plan on the Internet, with health indicators, specifically in geographic disaggregations (Major Regions and Federation Units), identified by the Health Department of Goiás.
Actions: The file has been amended and replaced.
Product : Summary of Social Indicators - Summary of Social Indicators
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Calendar error in the release of the monthly and quarterly Continuous National Household Sample Survey
The IBGE identified an error for not compying with the date of publication of the results of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - monthly and quarterly editions, respectively, of the moving quarter September-October-November 2022, of the moving quarter October-November-December 2022 and the 4th quarter of 2022, according to the calendar made available in December 2021. Due to the creation of a task force that is using the collection structure of the State Superintendences to collect the 2022 Population Census, there was an extension of the deadline for closing the interview databank. For this reason, the release calendar has been revised.
Actions: The calendar has been changed.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Correction in the municipal tables of the 2020 Vital Statistics
An error was detected in the tables with municipal results of the 2020 Vital Statistics. Some municipal micro and mesoregions were without their quantitative records represented in the tables.
Actions: The file has been amended and replaced.
Product : System of Vital Statistics - Vital statistics
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
File replacement in System of National Accounts 2020
Error noticed in the release of the System of National Accounts 2020. Files related to "Integrated economic accounts" and "Economic accounts, at current prices, according to accounts, transactions and balances" were not released in their final version, thus requiring a replacement.
Actions: The files were replaced and an updating note was included on the results page of the survey, on the IBGE Portal.
Product : System of National Accounts - System of National Accounts: Brazil
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações
Calendar error in the release of 2017 Census of Agriculture - General characteristics of agricultural and mining productions, according to color or race of producer and specific territory divisions
Error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting the release date of the survey, according to a Notice published on the IBGE Portal on October 24, 2022, which would be November 24, 2022. The new release date will be December 14, 2022.
The product was postponed as its technical team was temporarily relocated to the demands of the 2022 Population Census, which led to new deadlines.
Actions: The release calendar was changed.
Product : Census of Agriculture - 2017
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Update of public microdata in Annual Continuous PNAD - 2nd visit and correction of input in Quarterly Continuous PNAD
- Update of microdata in Annual Continuous PNAD - 2nd visit, for exclusion of variable VD4022, which is only correctly filled out in households that are in their 1st and 5th visits;
- Update of the input file of microdata in the Annual Continuous PNAD to correct parameter “lrecl=4000” which caused wrong reading of the microdata using SAS;
- Exclusion of the duplicated text in the input file of Quarterly Continuous PNAD.
Actions: The aforementioned public microdata and inputs were corrected.
Product : Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Calendar error in the release of the launching date of the Population Census Almanac
Error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting the minimum notice of 30 days to communicate to the public the launching date of the Population Census Almanac book. The launching will occur on November 14, 2022.
Actions: The release notice was published on October 21, 2022.
Product : Outros
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações