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Delay in release of SINAPI´s reference data of September 2022 on SIDRA
Due to operational problems when loading the survey, the data related to SINAPI were released with a delay on SIDRA. The news, the publication in PDF format and the files for download on the IBGE Portal were not delayed.
Actions: The information was available at 12:30 PM.
Product : National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction
Department in charge: Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação
Calendar error - Launch date of Brazil in Figures 2022
An error, identified by the IBGE, due to the non-compliance with the minimum 30 days notice of the launch date of Brazil in Figures 2022. The book will be launched on October 27, 2022.
Actions: A Highlight was made available on September 29, 2022.
Product : Outros
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações
Data revision of Municipal Livestock Production 2013 to 2019
Information of the Municipal Livestock Production between 2013 and 2019 has been amended as follows:
Fish farming: Revision in the time series of the product "other fishes", having noticed that some species of fish included in the variable "other fishes" between the years of 2013 and 2019 were already part of the questionnaire. The output was committed to the correct species.
Shrimp farming: Due to the specific survey on shrimp farming in the State of Ceará in 2022, data for the year of 2019 needed to be revised.
In addition to the above changes, data of same other products related to 2019 and collected in 2020 were revised, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, when the data collection was jeopardized in some Municipalities as it was impossible to contact part of the informants.
Actions: The files have been amended and replaced in the SIDRA and BME database and in the IBGE Portal.
Product : Municipal Livestock Production
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Update of public microdata from the Continuous PNAD and correction of Information and Communication Technology indicators broken down by household situation (urban and rural)
Amendment of variables V1020 (Stratum) and V1022 (Household Situation) which were incorrect for some records in the following microdata:
- Quarterly: Q1 2012 to Q1 2022;
- Annual per visit: 1st visit of 2016 to 2019 and 5th visit of 2020 to 2021;
- Annual per quarter: Q4 2016 to 2019.
Amendment of SIDRA tables containing indicators broken down by household situation (urban and rural) in the topic Information and Communication Technology.
Actions: The mentioned public macrodata files and SIDRA tables have been amended and replaced.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Calendar error in the release date of the launch of the book "As Estatísticas nas Comemorações da Independência do Brasil" (Statistics in Brazil's Independence Celebrations)
The IBGE identified non-compliance with the minimum 30-day advance notice to announce the launch of the book "As Estatísticas nas Comemorações da Independência do Brasil" (Statistics in Brazil's Independence Celebrations). The launch will take place on August 30, 2022.
Actions: The notice was announced to the public on August 23, 2022.
Product : Outros
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações
Update of tables of Continuous PNAD Tourism 2020 on SIDRA
Amendment of 11 tables of the Continuous PNAD Tourism 2020, on SIDRA, related to indicators opened by per capita household monthly earnings.
The updated tables were: 7229, 7234, 7251, 7258, 8455, 8457, 8460, 8464, 8465, 8468 and 8469.
Actions: These SIDRA tables were amended and replaced.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Annual dissemination
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of files of Supply and Use Tables by Federation Unit 2018
Error noticed in the Supply and Use Tables by Federation Unit 2018. The files available on the IBGE Portal were not in their final version and should be replaced.
Actions: The files were replaced and an updating note was included on the results page of the survey on the IBGE Portal.
Product : System of Regional Accounts - Regional Accounts of Brazil
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações
Calendar error in release of Annual set of Planialtimetric Stations (GNSS) grounded on measured and processed RRNN
Error characterized for not meeting the release date of the product, according to the calendar available in December 2021. The product was canceled due to logistic and operational difficulties concerning the restriction of on-site activities in the first quarter for servants, most of them aged over 60 years, which led to restrictions in the production and further need to readjust deadlines. Therefore, the release of the Annual set of Planialtimetric Stations (GNSS) grounded on measured and processed RRNN was postponed from 2022 to 2023.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Model for converting geometric altitudes (given by GNSS) into physical altitudes (compatible with the SGB´s Vertical Datum) - Model to Convert Altitudes
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Error in the release of IPCA-15 of July 2022
Error in the result of sub-item "Health plan" for the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre. Zero change was incorporated, when the correct one should be 1.11%.
Actions: The change related to the month of July will be incorporated into the July´s IPCA and into the August´s IPCA-15. Therefore, the fractions related to July and August will be incorporated into the August´s IPCA-15.
Product : Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo 15
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Amendment of labels shown in SIDRA table 6735 of Annual Continuous PNAD – Theme: General characteristics of households
The labels of the "Type of sanitary exhaustion" category of the SIDRA table were slightly different from the text of the questionnaire at the time. They were changed for this reason. It should be highlighted that the construction of the indicator remained unchanged.
Actions: The SIDRA table was amended and replaced.
Product : Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Correction of estimates in the table SIDRA 8281 of PNS 2019
The order of labels in the category “Most effective contraceptive method used” of the SIDRA table was slightly different from the order in the questionnaire and, therefore, values related to “Male condom”, “IUD”, “Contraceptive injections" and “Borth control pills” were inverted.
Actions: The file was replaced and corrected.
Product : Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde - 2019
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Calendar error in the release of the Political Map of Brazil at the 1:5,000,000 scale
Error characterized by the non-compliance with the release date of the product as previously informed in the publication calendar of December 2021. The release was postponed due to the need of temporary allocation of the technical team in activities of the 2022 Population Census, which eventually led to the rescheduling of dates.
Therefore, the release of the 2021 version of the Political Map of Brazil, at the 1:5,000,000 scale, expected for July, was rescheduled for September 2022.
Actions: The release calendar was corrected.
Product : Mapas Políticos
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in the release of the Political Map of Brazil at the 1:2,500,000 scale
Error characterized by the non-compliance with the release date of the product as previously informed in the publication calendar of December 2021. The release was postponed due to the need of temporary allocation of the technical team in activities of the 2022 Population Census, which eventually led to the rescheduling of dates.
Therefore, the release of the 2021 version of the Political Map of Brazil, at the 1:2,500,000 scale, expected for September, was rescheduled for November 2022.
Actions: The release calendar was corrected.
Product : Mapas Políticos
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in the release of Geodesy APIs (BDG, ProGrid, hgeoHNOR2020, IBGE-PPP, RBMC)
Error characterized by the non-compliance with the release date of the product, as informed in the calendar of December 2021. The product was postponed as a result of changes in the policies of access to the institution's databases, because of changes to be implemented in the existing systems.
Therefore, the release of Geodesy APIs (BDG, ProGrid, hgeoHNOR2020, IBGE-PPP, RBMC), previously expected to take place in September, was rescheduled for Dezember 2022.
Actions: The calendar was corrected.
Product : Outros
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in the release of Municipalities Facing the Sea, reference 2021
An error, identified by the IBGE, due to the non-compliance with the period of 30 days in advance for disclosure of the release date of Municipalities Facing the Sea, reference 2021. The release will take place on July 14, 2022.
Actions: The release data was informed on June 30th, 2022.
Product : Municípios defrontantes com o mar
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências