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Calendar error in releases: "2022 Population Census: Statistical Municipal Maps and Statistical Urban Maps" and "Updating of Municipal Maps, version 2023"
Error characterized for not meeting the scheduled release date of the products, according to calendar made available in December 2023. The products were postponed due to the need to readjust the deadlines during the internal steps of their production.
Therefore, the release of the product "2022 Population Census: Statistical Municipal Maps and Statistical Urban Maps" was changed from October to November 2024.
The release of the product "Updating of Municipal Maps, version 2023" was changed from October to December 2024.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Others
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in releases: “Toponymic Changes, version 2023"; Brazilian Territorial Areas, version 2023; Brazilian Territorial Division, version 2023 and Digital Municipal Mesh, version 2023
Error characterized for not meeting the release date of the products, according to calendar made available in December 2023. The products were postponed due to the need to readjust the deadlines during the internal steps of their production.
Therefore, the release of the 2023 version of the products "Toponymic Changes", "Brazilian Territorial Areas", "Brazilian Territorial Division" and "Digital Municipal Mesh" was changed from August to December 2024.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Others
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in release: “Updating of the Coastal-Marine System - 2024”
Error characterized for not meeting the date scheduled in the release of the product, according to calendar made available in December 2023. The product was delayed due to a calendar adjustment to launch the product in the event of Brazilian Coastal Management, on a date agreed between the Coordination of Coastal Management of the Ministry of Environment and the Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources. The title of the product was also readjusted from "Updating of the Coastal-Marine System - 2024" to "Adjustment of the east border of the Coastal-Marine System to the Blue Amazon."
Therefore, the data scheduled for the release of the product "Adjustment of the east border of the Coastal-Marine System to the Blue Amazon" was postponed from July to August 2024.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Biomes
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Calendar error in release: “Geographic Framework of Reference for Production, Analysis and Dissemination of Statistics: Legal Regional Geographies”
Error characterized for not meeting the date scheduled for the release of the product, according to calendar made available on December 2023. The product was anticipated due to the readjustment of deadlines, due to the change in the scope of the release related to the geographies made available, which also led to the readjustment in the title of the product from "Geographic Framework of Reference for the Production, Analysis and Dissemination of Statistics: Legal Regional Geographies" to "Metropolitan Geographies and Urban Agglomerations, version 2023”.
Therefore, the date scheduled for the release of the product "Metropolitan Geographies and Urban Agglomerations, version 2023" was anticipated from September to August 2024.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Metropolitan Areas, Urban Agglomerations and Integrated Development Areas - Metropolitan Areas and Urban Clusters
Department in charge: Diretoria de Geociências
Delay in release on SIDRA of PAC 2022 data
Due to a delay in the release of structural surveys on SIDRA, the release of the data referring to the Annual Survey of Trade (PAC) was delayed.
Actions: The information was released at 10:35am.
Product : Annual Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Diretoria de Tecnlogia da Informação
Amendment of error in the internal configuration of files of the Land Use and Cover 2020 edition
Files needed to be changed due to inconsistencies in the internal configuration. It should be highlighted that this problem did not affect the land use and cover data, as well as the positioning and geometric characteristics of the files previously released.
Actions: The Federation Units´ files have been amended and replaced.
Product : Land Use and Cover - Land use and cover
Department in charge: Coordenação de Meio Ambiente
Amendments in the 9th edition of the Geographic School Atlas
The IBGE identified the need to amend pages 16, 28, 31, 54, 97, 105, 110, 111 and 115 of the publication, according to errata that can be accessed here.
Actions: The amendments have already been incorporated into the webiste of the product, available on
Product : Geographic School Atlas
Department in charge: Centro de Documentação e Disseminação de Informações
Replacement of PIA Enterprise tables – 2013 to 2015
As a result of loading information from PIA Enterprise 2023, 2024 and 2015 from CD to Sidra, it was required to revise and update the unidentification procedures of the tables .xls and .ods that were available on the IBGE portal. Tables from 1.1 to 1.6 have been changed, relative to the 'Results of industrial enterprises with 30 and more employed persons - Brazil'. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 have also been changed related to 'Results of industrial activities by local units of enterprises with 30 and more employed persons - Brazil, Major Regions and Federation Units'.
Actions: All the tables have been updated and replaced on the IBGE portal.
Product : Annual Survey of Industry - Enterprise - PIA-Enterprise
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Amendment of information on asbestos cement in the Annual Survey of Industry - Product 2018 and 2019
An error was identified in the data of PIA Product 2018 and PIA Product 2019. Some companies that should provide information on product 2330.2060 (Plates, panels, tiles, pipes, tubes and other artifacts of asbestos cement, cellulose-fiber cement or the like not containing asbestos) incorrectly registered information on product 2330.2020 (Articles of asbestos cement, cellulose-fiber cement or the like, not specified, containing asbestos). The information refers to table Sidra 7752 and formats .xls and .ods of tables ‘Tab_01_2018’ and ‘Tab_01_2019’.
Actions: The information has been amended and replaced on the IBGE portal.
Product : Annual Survey of Industry - Product - PIA-Product
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Dictionary updating of the annual Continuous PNAD Q3 2022
Amendment in the description of variable S11004 of the Persons with Disability module, changing the text from:
“Has difficulty to lift a two-liter bottle of water from the waist until the eye level?”
“Residents 5 years and over: Has difficulty to lift a two-liter bottle of water from the waist until the eye level?”
Actions: The file has been amended and replaced.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Calendar errror in the release of the quarterly Continuous National Household Sample Survey
Error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting the release date of the results of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey in the third quarter of 2024, according to the previously available schedule. As a result of the approval of Bill 2857/2024 by the City Council establishing holidays on November 18 and 19 to accomplish the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, it was re-scheduled for November 22, 2024.
Actions: The release calendar has been changed.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Release of SINAPI data related to May 2024 delayed on SIDRA
As a result of operational problems when loading the survey, the data related to SINAPI were released with a delay on SIDRA. The news, PDF publication and download files on the IBGE Portal were not delayed.
Actions: The information was released at 11:47am on SIDRA portal.
Product : National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of 2022 Population Census: Characteristics of housing units: Population results publication
Amendment of two data in the last paragraph of page 42 of the complete publication. Instead of 24 municipalities, they are 25 in which the proportion of the population living in housing units with exclusive bathrooms in 2022 was lower than 50%, and, instead of 668 municipalities, they are 669 in which this proportion was lower than 90%.
Actions: The complete publication has been replaced.
Product : Population Census - 2022 Census
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Dictionary updating of annual Continuous PNAD Q1 2023
Amendment in the S15 and SD15 group of variables related to the COVID-19 module of the ‘Tipo’ (Type) column of the fields in the microdata dictionary related to 'Não aplicável' (Not applicable) to exclude the space existing in them.
Actions: The files have been amended and replaced.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas
Replacement of graph in the fact sheet on General characteristics of housing units and residents 2022, of Continuous PNAD
Replacement of the graph "Distribution of the resident population, by age group (%)", which is on page 10 of the fact sheet on General characteristics of housing units and residents 2022, of Continuous PNAD. In the previous version of the graph, the age groups on the axis label did not have corresponding bars in percent changes. The error was corrected, and the labels for age groups 14 and 15 and 16 and 17, for which there were no corresponding percentages in the graph, were replaced by the age group 14 to 17.
Actions: Replacement of a graph on page 10 of the fact sheet on General characteristics of housing units and residents 2022, of Continuous PNAD.
Product : Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua - PNADC
Department in charge: Diretoria de Pesquisas