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Replacement of the IPCA - Results by Sub-item files related to April 2015
Description: Data released at 9am were from March 2015 rather than April 2015
Actions:File amended and replaced.
Product : Extended National Consumer Price Index
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the IPCA-INPC result tables of April
Description: The correct index-number of April 2015 is 4372.08 and not 4337.63 in the INPC time series.
Actions: File amended and replaced.
Product : Extended National Consumer Price Index
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the IPCA-INPC result tables of April
Description: The correct index-number of April 2015 is 4372.08 and not 4337.63 in the INPC time series.
Actions: File amended and replaced.
Product : National Consumer Price Index
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Change in the tables of the System of National Accounts - Brazil 2010-2011 - reference 2010
Description: Amendment in table 2 of the Tables of Resources and Uses, in the Value Added spreadsheet, in current values level 12, 20, 68 activities in the Summary TRUs and CEI 2011 (CD and Internet). Failure in formatting table 4 - Components of the Gross Domestic Product under the three viewpoints, constant and current values and change in volume, price and value, related to the indication of the measurement unit. The measurement unit indicated was R$1,000 rather than R$1,000,000.
Actions: Files amended and replaced. Update note included in the page giving access to the file. Errata included in the Publication.
Product : System of National Accounts - System of National Accounts: Brazil
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Amendment in the tables of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly Edition
Description: Amendment in the calculation of the deflators used in the real earnings series of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey, released on March 12, 2015
Actions: Explanatory note published and table amended in Highlights.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly dissemination
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Amendment in the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly Edition tables
Description: Amendment in the calculation of the deflators used in the real earnings series of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey, released on March 12, 2015.
Actions: An explanatory note was published and the table amended in Highlights.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Monthly dissemination
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Update of microdata in the Continuous National Household Sample Survey Quarterly edition - Q4 2016
Description: Inclusion of the variable V40763 in the microdata of the National Household Sample Survey - Q4 2016
Actions: File corrected ans replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : National Household Sample Survey - Brazil Volume
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys