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Scope of Action

Statistical Information

Social and Demographic Statistics

Surveys based on household data collection are the most important sociodemographic statistical sources. The  Population Census, which is one of them, is carried out every ten years, standing out as a reference. In the middle of a decade, between two editions of the Census, there is the Population Count, another type of census operation intended to update municipal population contingents and give support to the calculation of their annual estimates in the years to come. The Continuous National Household Sample Survey  - Continuous PNAD, which is based on samples, produces quarterly indicators on workforce trends and fluctuations and annual indicators on supplementary topics. It provides a more comprehensive coverage of the territory than the former National Household Sample Survey - PNAD, terminated in 2016. The Consumer Expenditure Survey - POF , which is released every five years, brings information about living conditions by means of the analysis of the expenditure of families, in addition to information on the characteristics of households and families and self-perceived quality of life. Other sources of sociodemographic statistics are the surveys based on administrative records, namely: Vital Statistics and the National Survey of Basic Sanitation - PNSB, among others.

Economic Statistics


The Census of Agriculture, carried out every five years, pursuant to operation of law, is the major statistical source of this sector of the economy. The survey investigates the land structure of the agricultural establishments, that is, their land size and use, the employment of labor force and the technology used in the producing process, among other relevant structural topics. In the annual monitoring of the sector, the highlights are the following surveys:  Municipal Agricultural Production - PAM, and Municipal Livestock Production - PPM and  Forestry Production - PEVS. The sort-term monitoring is carried out through diverse monthly, quarterly and biannual surveys.

Industry, Construction, Trade and Services

These are sample surveys, as the Annual Survey of Industry - Enterprise - PIA-Enterprise, the Annual Survey of Industry - Product - PIA-Product, the Annual Survey of  Construction Industry - PAIC, the Annual Survey of Trade - PAC and the Annual Survey of Services - PAS. They aim at identifying the basic structural characteristics of those business segments in the economy. The short-term monitoring is provided by the monthly surveys. For selected activities, the Survey of Innovation - PINTEC, carried out every three years, investigates information on innovative enterprises, that is, those that have introduced some new or substantially improved product and/or process. 

Prices e Costs

Being continuously and systematically produced, price indexes are essential indicators for the monitoring of the economy. The National System of Consumer Price Indexes - SNIPC produces, among others, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) and the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA)  The first aims at correcting the purchasing power of wages by measuring the price changes in the consumption basket of families with incomes of 1 to 5 minimum wages. The second aims at measuring the inflation of a set of products and services sold at retail, referring to the personal consumption of families with incomes from 1 to 40 minimum wages. The National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction - SINAPI allows the monitoring of the evolution of mean salaries of labor force and average prices of construction materials, machinery, equipment and services, including basic sanitation, infrastructure and housing. Besides those indicators, there is the Producer Price Index - IPP, which covers mining and quarrying and manufacturing industries. Its aim is to calculate the average price change from sales received by domestic producers of goods and services, indicating, thus, the inflation trends in the short run.

National Accounts

It offers an overall view of the economy and describes the main phenomena which constitute the economy: production, consumption, accumulation and wealth, providing a simple and understandable, yet comprehensive, representation of this group of phenomena, their relations with one another and with the domestic and world economies. The results encompass the System of National Accounts - SCN, the System of Regional Accounts  - SCR and the Gross Domestic Products of the Municipalities - Municipalities' GDP. The short-term monitoring is carried out by the Quarterly System of National Accounts - SCNT. The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - CEA, which provides the accounting of natural resources associated with economic activity, are also part of the National Accounts.

Geoscientific Information

Brazilian Geodetic System

It consists of a group of stations (marks) on the land, implanted and maintained by the IBGE. Their position serves as a precise reference for several engineering projects – construction of roads, bridges, barrages, etc. – mapping, geophysics, scientific research, among others.

Municipal, Topographic and Geographic Mapping

It encompasses the topographic charts and the maps derived from them – of Brazil, its regions, states and municipalities – which constitute the bases upon which surveys are done and their results are presented, as a homogeneous and integrated approach of the national territory. The IBGE has produced the topographic mapping of Brazil in a systematic way, on standardized scales (lower than 1:25:000), according to the degree of development installed or projected on the territory.

Territorial Structures

They show the evolution of the political and administrative division of the regional and sectoral divisions of the territory, outlining and representing the legal areas and operating bases for statistical and geographic surveys.

Natural Resources and Environment

The area is responsible for map-drawing, studies and surveys of themes related to physical aspects (relief, soil, climate, geology) and biological aspects (fauna and flora). It provides the characterization and the evaluation of environmental conditions and the impacts generated by the intervention of man, which affect the environmental balance and the quality of life of the population.

Geographic Information

Territory regionalization is done based on information obtained from spatial analyses, which produce territory samples on different scales, for example, geographic microregions. Geographic data are applied in the survey and dissemination of statistics and in the formulation and monitoring of public policies. Thematic summaries are present in the production of material at regional and national levels, such as the National Atlas of Brazil.


The supply of information by the IBGE is done through its national network of dissemination, with offices in all the capitals and in the main cities of Brazil. The institution makes available one of the main specific assortments of statistical and geographic information in the country.

This assortment of information consists of electronic and printed publications and of databases.

Through the Internet, the IBGE has established its main channel for communication with its users, making survey results available as dynamic pages and downloadable files and databases (IBGE System of Automatic Recovery). Your question was not answered here? Please contact us through our service channels.

IBGE products are available in the main bookstores in the country and also on the Internet.

One of the main sources of information about the production of the Institute is the IBGE Catalog, which provides access to a valuable set of social, economic and territorial information.