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Population in risk areas in Brazil | 2010


Population in risk areas in Brazil is part of the endeavor pursued in the technical cooperation agreement, established in 2013, between the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE and the National Center for Monitoring and Early Warnings of Natural Disasters - CEMADEN. The partnership aims at joining efforts and actions for the development of applied surveys and the generation of databases and information associated to the characterization of the populations vulnerable to natural disasters in the national territory in order to give support to monitoring, early warnings, risk management and response to natural disasters.

The interinstitutional agreement made it possible to associate, in an unprecedent way, the IBGE's Census’s information and the risk areas monitored by CEMADEN. By making databases with population variables available, both institutions take an important step towards the building of systems for identifying, observing and monitoring  urban spaces; particularly those which are susceptible to hydrometeorological and weather conditions linked to floods, downpours and mass movements, i.e., at risk of natural disasters, with significant impact on society and the environment.

In addition, this initiative is especially relevant in the building of the necessary base for the fulfillment of targets associated to the global agendas of the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG and the Sendai Framework, both  established by the United Nations - UN.

About the publication - 2010

With the release of Population in risk areas in Brazil, the IBGE reveals to the public the first results about the situation of people in risk areas in Brazil, whose goal is to provide socioeconomic data, which are fundamental elements for initiatives that aim at reducing the number of deaths and material damage caused by natural disasters all over the country.

For this reason, in 2013, a technical cooperation agreement was established between the IBGE and the Center for Monitoring and Early Warnings of Natural Disaster – CEMADEN, in order to develop a methodological proposal focused on the creation of a new spatial division that should aid in the natural disaster risk management. The Statistic Territorial Base of Risk Areas – BATER was created from the binding of sociodemographic data from the 2010 Census, together with the risk areas of flood, flash flood and mass wasting. The challenge to generate articulated geographic information in many analysis levels was the first effort to estimate the Brazilian population who is exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters.

The risk areas provided by CEMADEN, from 872 municipalities monitored by the Institution, were used to generate the Statistic Territorial Base of Risk Areas. The results shown in this publication help portray the conditions of the population who lives in risk areas, facilitating prevention through initiatives adjusted to the resident population profile.

The data released in this publication are from 2010, the latest Population Census conducted by the IBGE, although the methodology was developed to be replicated with the 2020 Population Census data, ensuring a low cost and the optimization of public resources. Moreover, it will be possible to follow the time evolution of the characteristics of those exposed to natural disasters. 

More on the product - 2010


Interactive Geographic Platform

Databases and tables 

  • Variables - Residents - XLS | ODS | XLSX)
  • Variables - Housing units - XLS | ODS | XLSX)



Publications - 2010

Learn more - 2010


Why are the data in the 2017 Population in risk areas in Brazil from 2010?
The demographic data are collected in the Population Census. The  census that preceded the signature of the Technical Cooperation Agreement was held in 2010, consequently, those were the most updated data about the Brazilian population until the release of the first results.

How many municipalities did CEMADEN monitor during the survey? How many have available data in the survey?
At that moment, CEMADEN was monitoring 958 municipalities that were vulnerable to natural disasters in Brazil, for which there were available data on risk areas  coming from several sources and were held in eight different years (most of them provided by the Geological Survey of Brazil - CPRM, and others from the municipal government’s Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRRs), from the Department of Mineral Resources (DRM) of Rio de Janeiro, Institute of Technological Research (IPT), Geological Institute (IG), etc.) and that are inserted in the monitoring platform of CEMADEN.

In the proposed methodology, sociodemographic data were associated with risk areas of floods, flash floods and mass wasting for 872 municipalities that were monitored by CEMADEN, using a new spatial subdivision called Statistical Territorial Base of Risk Areas (BATER). Is important to highlight that this publication used a smaller number of municipalities than the one monitored by CEMADEN, since  the association method of socioeconomic data with the risk areas is still under development. Consequently, the socioeconomic database encompasses information about 872 evaluated municipalities, which were addressed in the territorial subdivisions: Brazil, Major Regions, Municipalities and BATER. The publication considered the mapping of risk areas provided to CEMADEN until April 30 of 2017, which is the reference date of the database generated from the association of data presented in this study, and socioeconomic information from the 2010 Census.

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Legislação relacionada

(In Portuguese)

Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais

Extrato de Contrato no - 2/2013 - UASG 240224

No - Processo: 00120000624201366.

PREGÃO SISPP No - 1/2013 Contratante: MINISTERIO DA CIENCIA, TECNOLOGIA-E INOVACAO. CNPJ Contratado: 33041062000109. Contratado : SUL AMERICA COMPANHIA NACIONAL DE-SEGUROS. Objeto: Fornecimento de seguro total com cobertura contra acidentes, danos causados pela natureza e assistência 24 (vinte e quatro) horas, para 04 (quatro) veículos oficiais, do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais - CEMADEN, para uso das chefias, pesquisadores, técnicos e colaboradores do Centro, conforme condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus Anexos, independente de transcrição. Fundamento Legal: Lei 10.520, de 17/07/2002, dos Decretos 3.555, de 08/08/2000 e 5.450, de 31/05/2005 e subsidiariamente pela Lei 8.666/93. Vigência: 08/05/2013 a 07/05/2014. Valor Total: R$3.040,00. Data de Assinatura: 08/05/2013.

Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais

Extrato de Acordo de Cooperação Técnico-Científica

Processo no 01200.702905/2016-08

Espécie: Acordo de Cooperação Técnico-Científica (ACT), firmado entre a União, por intermédio do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações - MCTIC e de seu Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais - CEMADEN, órgão integrante da estrutura regimental do MCTIC, criado pelo Decreto nº 7.513, de 1º de julho de 2011, inscrito no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 01.263.896/0026-12, estabelecido na Rodovia Presidente Dutra, km 40, na cidade de Cachoeira Paulista - SP, e, de outro lado, a Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, instituída pelo Poder Executivo na Forma do Decreto-Lei nº 161, datado de 13/02/1967, regida pela Lei nº 5.878, de 11/05/1973, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 33.787.094/0001-40, com sede à Av. Franklin Roosevelt, nº 166, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Objeto: O presente Acordo tem por objeto a conjunção de esforços entre o CEMADEN/MCTIC e o IBGE, visando à continuidade e aprimoramento da disponibilização das bases de dados demográficos e sociais para caracterização das populações vulneráveis a desastres naturais no território brasileiro, que possibilitem auxiliar nas ações de monitoramento, elaboração de alertas e gestão de riscos de desastres naturais. Recursos: As obrigações assumidas pelos Partícipes, visando à execução do objeto deste Acordo, serão custeadas pelos pactuantes, conforme as disponibilidades previstas em seus orçamentos, quer no que refere à interveniência das suas equipes técnicas, quer no uso de materiais e equipamentos, não sendo transferido nenhum recurso financeiro de uma entidade para outra. Vigência: A vigência do presente Acordo é de 60 (sessenta) meses, contados da data de sua assinatura, podendo ser prorrogado, comum acordo entre os Partícipes, por meio da assinatura de termos aditivos, mediante aviso prévio de 90 (noventa) dias. Data da assinatura: 29 de agosto de 2016. Signatários: De um lado, Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes, inscrito no CPF nº 285.437.260-34, Diretor do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais - CEMADEN/MCTIC, e, do outro lado, Paulo Rabello de Castro, inscrito no CPF 202.955.617-34, Presidente