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On December 16, IBGE will release the publication "Areas of Influence of Cities: Methodology of hierarchical compatibility between editions of the survey in the 1966-2018 period"

On December 16, at 10 am, the IBGE will release the publication "Areas of Influence of Cities: Methodology of hierarchical compatibility between the editions of the survey in the 1966-2018 period", which shows a methodology that reconciles the urban hierarchies of the historical editions of the REGIC with the current period, taking into account that each edition of the the survey Areas of Influence of Cities used different concepts and nomenclatures to classify the Brazilian cities. The text describes the theoretical-methodological premises used and includes a double database, comprising the hierarchical classifications of all cities involved over time, as well as a full set of network links of all editions, revised and amended.

The work aims at serving as the basis for future studies on the evolution of the urban network, either in national scale or focusing on specific areas. 

Directorate of Geosciences
November 13, 2024

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