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On July 19, IBGE will release 2022 Population Census: Quilombolas: Literacy and characteristics of housing units, according to specific geographies: Population results, 2022 Population Census: Quilombola Localities
On July 19, at 10am, the IBGE will release the results of the 2022 Population Census: Quilombolas: Literacy and characteristics of housing units, according to specific geographies: Population results, unveiling a full set of information on aspects related to their literacy and characteristics of their housing units, important attributes to know their reality and exercise their citizenship.
As a result of the magnitude of the survey, the results will allow to explore this information at different geographic levels, like Major Regions, Federation Units, Municipalities, Legal Amazon, Legal Amazon per Federation Unit, Officially delimited Quilombola Territories and Quilombola Territories per Federation Unit.
On the same date, "2022 Population Census: Quilombola Localities" will be released, introducing an unprecedented mapping of the existing quilombola localities, originally produced for the update of the Census Territorial Base and improved with the identification of spatial concentration of persons declared as quilombolas.
The vector geospatial data representing the Quilombola Localities will allow to explore this information at different geographies with the System of Geographic Information.
Directorate of Surveys
Directorate of Geosciences
June 18, 2024