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On August 29, IBGE will release publication of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification: Technical Expeditions: Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro

The publication presents the script and discussions that took place during the Technical Expedition of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification (SBCR), called “Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro”, held in November 2022 under the scope of the XIX Brazilian Symposium of Applied Physical Geography, in the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). It is the first expedition involving Geomorphology in Brazil, aiming at providing the scientific society with the concepts and criteria adopted in the SBCR, based on field observation and discussion.

The expedition marks the first trip gathering experts, scholars and persons interested in relief in Brazil, aiming at its taxonomy and the implications of its establishment. Discussions based on relief  observations and assessments at the breakpoints are potential contributions to the improvement and evolution of the SBCR. The registration of these field dynamics in a publication is an unprecedented opportunity to preserve an important part of the history of the Brazilian geomorphology, which has been written in recent years with the creation of the SBCR.

Diretoria de Geociências
18 de agosto de 2023

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