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On June 30, IBGE will release updated version - June 2023, of user´s manual of IBGE-PPP - On-line service for post-processing GNSS data
In operation on the IBGE portal since April 2009, IBGE-PPP is a service aiming at post-processing GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data, in this case GPS and GLONASS, which were collected by one or two-frequency receivers, either in static or kinematic mode, allowing to obtain precise coordinates referenced to SIRGAS2000 (Geocentric Reference System for the Americas) and to the ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) through a precise processing. It uses the CSRS-PPP (GPS Precise Point Positioning) program, developed by CGS/NRCan (Canadian Geodetic Survey of Natural Resources of Canada), as well as the orbits and errors of the satellite clocks of the International GNSS Service (IGS) to obtain results with precise/combined products ten days after the observation, and ultra-fast CGS/NRCan products 3 hours after the observation.
This new version was updated with information from the current IGS20 global referential, available since November 2022, as well as with other features recently implemented like, for example:
- new output text file, only with the values of results, streamlining their incorporation into platforms developed by third-parties;
- guidelines on the use of the service´s API.
Directorate of Geosciences
May 30, 2023