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IBGE will release Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Access to Internet and TV and ownership of celullar telephone for personal use 2021 on September 16
On September 16 at 10 AM, the IBGE will release the Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Access to the Internet and TV and ownership of cellular telephone for personal use 2021, including information on households with digital signal of open TV; existence of parabolic antennas and use of pay TV services; and existence of microcomputers, tablets, telephones (either landline or cellular), among other indicators. Concerning the information of persons aged 10 years and over, aspects like personal use of the Internet; type of connection used; purpose of that access; major reason for not using it; and ownership of cellular phone for personal use are presented.
In 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, this subject was not investigated, which required to shorten the questionnaire and survey the themes of the core of the Continuous PNAD only. Therefore, the time series, started in 2016, was interrupted in 2020 and the comparisons will be made between 2019 and 2021.
Directorate of Surveys
August 11, 2022