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On August 3, IBGE will release, as Experimental Statistics, System of Regional Accounts: Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit 2018

On August 3 at 10 am, the IBGE will release, as Experimental Statistics, the System of Regional Accounts: Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit 2018, which unveils the flows of supply (production and imports) and demand (intermediate consumption, final consumption, investments, exports and stocks change) of goods and services, as well as the generation of value added of the economic activities. These experimental statistics were developed based on tax documents received through an agreement with the Federal Revenue of Brazil, as well as on other data sources usually used in the compilation of the Brazilian Regional and National Accounts.

These statistcs are classified as experimental and should be used with caution, as they are new statistics still in the phase of testing and under assessment.

Directorate of Surveys
June 21, 2022

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