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Note on the 2021 Census budget
The IBGE informs that the estimated budget for the Census is R$ 2 billion, according to the proposal sent to the National Congress on August 31, 2020. The final opinion of the Honorable Rapporteur proposes the exclusion of R$ 1.7 billion from the required budget for the Census, which would make the operation unfeasible. The IBGE counts on the support of the Joint Committee of Budget in the next voting session to reverse this scenario.
The country needs the information generated by the Census, which is essential to ground public policies in several areas, especially in a pandemic context, where data are strategic for the vaccination process and for the planning of health infrastructure.
In addition to a mixed collection model (face-to-face, telephone and online) and cutting-edge technology for supervision monitoring, the professionals involved in census will observe, throughout all stages of operation, strict health safety protocols adopted by the IBGE following recommendations of the Ministry of Health and good practices for preventing and fighting against COVID-19.
Board of Directors
March 22, 2021