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Interactive dashboard for death registrations (2019) of the Vital Statistics

An interactive dashboard that shows, in the form of maps and graphs, the data that were previously released in the form of tables was included in the Registration of deaths - 2019 product of the COVID-19 hotsite, available on

The interactive dashboard shows the distribution of all the deaths that took place in Brazil, according to the 2019 Vital Statistics, grouped in the following divisions: by municipality; by Health Region established by the Ministry of Health; by Region of low and medium complexity (REGIC 2018, IBGE); and by Federation Unit.

The application also shows the health attendance poles of low and medium complexity and the urban concentrations with more than 300 thousand inhabitants, allowing to access the deaths according to sex, age bracket and month of occurrence.


 Directorate of Geosciences

October 5, 2020

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