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On June 22, IBGE releases the National Survey of Basic Sanitation - Water Supply and Sanitary Sewer (PNSB 2017)
On 22 July, at 10 am, the IBGE will release, the results of the National Survey of Basic Sanitation - Water Supply and Sanitary Sewer (PNSB 2017).
The survey has as target population all entities that provide water supply services through the general distribution network and sanitary sewage collection system, offered by the government or by an agent to whom it has delegated the provision. In addition to the Sanitation Supplement - 2017 of the Survey of Basic Municipal Information (MUNIC), answered by city halls, the PNSB 2017 provides technical data on each of the service operation stages, in addition to information on delegation instruments, services' fees, regularity of water supply, among other aspects. The results will be available for the following territorial areas: Brazil, Major Regions and Federation Units and by ranges of population size.
Directorate of Surveys
June 22, 2020