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IBGE will release the 2019 Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Other forms of work on June 4
On June 4, 2020, the IBGE will release the module Other forms of work from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey – Continuous PNAD. Since 2016, this module has been surveyed in the fifth visit to the selected household to answer the Continuous PNAD. This module is applied to all the residents aged 14 or more.
The survey of other forms of work is a recommendation established by the 19th International Conference of Labor Statisticians (ICLS-ILO), that took place in 2013, in which a broader concept of work was defined, beyond employment. Among the other forms of work surveyed are the household chores, caretaking, subsistence production and voluntary work.
The resulting indicators from this module are the rate of each form of work being carried out, the average number of hours spent on each activity and the characterization of the individuals who performed each form of work by sex, age group, color or race, schooling level, employment status and household condition (urban or rural). In relation to the geographical disaggregation, this module provides results for Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units, Metropolitan Areas, and municipalities of the capital.
Directorate of Surveys
April 30, 2020