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Municipalities of the Borderland Strip and Twin Cities


This study reflects Law no. 6,634, of May 2, 1979, regulated by Decree no. 85,064, of August 26, 1980, whose contents were ratified by the 1988 Federal Constitution, in the second paragraph of article 2 - Register of Brazilian municipalities with total or partial area located in the Borderland Strip, which is the inside strip with 150 km of width, parallel to the terrestrial dividing line of the national territory, aggregating the existing information – geographic code and municipality name – with those produced in the identification and/or classification of the municipality within the strip, such as: bordering, partially or completely within the strip, references of the capital to the borderline and inside strip limit.

Resolutions and Legislation

Portaria nº 2.507, de 05 de outubro de 2021, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Regional
Estabelece o conceito de cidades gêmeas nacionais, os critérios adotados para essa definição e
lista todas as cidades brasileiras por estado que se enquadram nesta condição.

About the publication - 2021

This Publication brings the limit of the border strip, municipal limits and the positions of the headquarters of the municipalities that make up the Border Strip.
This is an extremely relevant spatial arrangement as it enables the
dissemination of statistical and geoscientific information to support Municipalities within the Brazilian Borders. This product gives support to studies for the development of new specific public policies on economic development, security, defence, infrastructure and social issues, land use, the environment and regional and sustainable integration as a result of the
growth of urban and rural agglomerations in the Border Strip, mainly, by identifying the political-administrative units in Brazil that are under the rules of national security, in particular with regard to public civil engineering works, acquisition or lease of land by a foreign individual or legal entity in these
areas, special land and service grantings, economic exploitation and federal government funding, in addition to supporting bilateral and multilateral agreements, in order to
improve the relations with neighboring countries in the border area.

Mapa do Brasil com destaque dos municípios da faixa de fronteira

Products' Description and Characterisitcs:

This publication is the result of geoprocessing operations carried out based on the Municipal Digital Mesh 2021, available at the following address:

Therefore, this publication inherits all the characteristics and conditions of use associated with the Municipal Digital Mesh 2021.

  • The cartographic bases made available comply with the original working scale (1:250,000), with no point suppression, according to the technical criteria pre-established by the IBGE/DGC/CETE.
  • Geodetic Reference System – SIRGAS 2000
  • System of Geographic Coordinates
  • Text encoding – UTF-8

This publication consists of 3 geospatial files (in SHP and KML versions) and 3 spreadsheets (XLS) containing only the following attributes:

Faixa_de_Fronteira_2021: It is the representation of the limits of the Border Strip, composed of 1 polygon. It has the following attributes:

  • Name: “Border Strip”
  • AREA_KM2: informs the area in square kilometers.

Municípios_Faixa_Fronteira: This is the representation of the polygons of the municipalities that form part of the Border Strip. It is composed of 590 polygons (588 municipalities
in addition to Lagoa dos Patos and Lagoa Mirim). It has the following attributes:

  • CD_MUN: Numerical code given by the IBGE to the Municipality.
  • NM_MUN: Municipality name.
  • SIGLA: Abbreviation of the State to which the municipality belongs.
  • AREA_TOT: Total area of the municipality in square kilometers.
  • AREA_INT: Area of the municipality within the Legal Amazon, in square kilometers.
  • PORC_INT: Percentage of the area of the municipality that is within the Legal Amazon area, in percentage (0 – 100%).
  • CID_GEMEA: Informs if the municipality headquarter has a twin city in a neighbor country. Informs the Legal Act that defined this condition. It is null for the headquarters that do not have a twin city.
  • NM_REGIAO: Informs the name of the geographic region to which the municipality belongs.
  • CD_UF: Numerical code given by the IBGE to the State to which the municipality belongs.
  • NM_UF: Name of the State to which the municipality belongs.

Sede_Municipios_Faixa_de_Fronteira_2021: It is the representation of the points that indicate the municipal headquarters of each municipality in the region. It consists of 588 points. It has the following attributes:

  • NM_REGIAO: Informs the name of the geographic region to which the municipality belongs.
  • CD_UF: Numerical code given by the IBGE to the State to which the municipality belongs.
  • NM_UF: Name of the State to which the municipality belongs.
  • SIGLA: Abbreviation of the State to which the municipality belongs.
  • CD_MUN: Numerical code given by the IBGE to the Municipality.
  • NM_MUN: Municipality name.
  • LAT_SEDE: Latitude coordinate in decimal degrees.
  • LNG_SEDE: Coordinate of longitude in decimal degrees.
  • SEDE_FAIXA: Informs if the municipal headquarters is located in (“yes”) or out (“no”) of the Border Strip.
  • CID_GEMEA: Informs if the municipality headquarter has a twin city in a neighbor country. Informs the Legal Act that defined this condition. It is null for the headquarters that do not have a twin city.

More on the product - 2021

Municipalities of the Borderland Strip and Twin Cities - XLSX

Municipalities in the Borderland Strip and Twin Cities - ODS

Municipalities in the Borderland Strip and Twin Cities - shapefiles

Borderland Strip - shapefiles

Headquarters of the Municipalities in the Borderland Strip and Twin Cities - shapefiles

Municipalities in the Borderland Strip - KMZ

 The following files can be found on these links:

Mun_Faixa de Fronteira_Cidades Gemeas_2021.xlsx and ODS version Spreadsheets 588 area records 1 area record
Sedes_Municipios_Faixa de 586 point records - excluding Patos Lagoon and Mirim Lagoon
Municipios_da_Faixa_de_Fronteira_2021.kmz 588 area records

Map: Municipalities in the Borderland Strip - PDF

Learn more - 2021

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