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BCIM - Geographical names index – Volume 1 – BCIM


This publication is an overview of the geographical names from the Brazilian Continuous Cartographic Base to the Millionth - BCIM contained in the Brazilian Geographical Names Database - BNGB, including the following characteristics: information category, Federation Unit where the geographical name is located, and geographic coordinates. The names of the municipalities are based on the 2005 Municipal Mesh. The information categories, complying with the Digital Topographic Map Collection - MTD, and geographic coordinates were extracted from version 2.1 of the BCIM. This information provides an optimized reference of the locality names, physiographic features, works and buildings, as well as of the other geographical aspects present in the mapping scale of 1:1,000,000.

This volume, which is a step towards the standardization of the Brazilian geographical names, includes only the geographical names contained in the 1:1,000,000 scale and comprises the Brazilian geographical names and part of the names of the border countries encompassed by the BCIM.

Publications - Geographical names index – Volume 1

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