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Database of Geographical Names in Brazil
The Database of Geographical Names in Brazil - BNGB gathers geographical names of the categories hydrography, relief, boundaries and localities, mainly those within vector cartographic bases produced by the IBGE, at different geographic scales. Its main objectives are to support the standardization of names adopted by the IBGE and make known to society the geographical names in Brazil.
About the publication - Database of Geographical Names in Brazil
The BNGB allows surveys by geographical name or word/term, by category and/or type of information, by cartographic scale, by status of validation, by Federation Unit and/or municipality, by spatial area, among other possibilities.
The IBGE makes available two forms of access to the BNGB: the BNGB web application, also accessible via smart phone, and the BNGB API, which makes available BNGB data for app developers and users of geospatial data.
More on the product - Database of Geographical Names in Brazil
Publications - Database of Geographical Names in Brazil
Banco de Nomes Geográficos do Brasil : manual de uso / IBGE, Coordenação de Cartografia
Material type: Book
Year: 2024Manual de coleta de nomes geográficos / IBGE, Coordenação de Cartografia
Material type: Book
Year: 2023Glossário dos termos genéricos dos nomes geográficos utilizados no mapeamento sistemático do Brasil
Material type: Book
Year: 2010
Learn more - Database of Geographical Names in Brazil
Cartographic Bases and Topographic Sheets:
Other sites:
DPLP - Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
Other publications:
Glossary of Terms for Standardization of Geographical Names
Manual for the national standardization of geographical names