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PIA Enterprise: 309 thousand industrial enterprises employed 7.7 million persons and had a net revenue of R$3.4 trillion in 2018
June 18, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: June 23, 2020 02h53 AM
In 2018, 309,0 thousand active enterprises employed 7.7 million persons and paid a total R$308.0 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation. The net sales revenue of the sector was of R$3.4 trillion.
The total gross revenue of industrial enterprises was of R$4.8 trillion, 77.8% of which came from the sale of industrial products and surveys, amounting to a 74.7% increase in participation against 2009 (74.7%).
The segment of manufacture of food products, which accounted for the biggest share of the net sales revenue in 2009 (18.2%), recorded an increase of 3.5 peercentage points, with a change of 21.7% in 2018.
Between 2009 and 2018, the industrial sector had a decrease in employment in 2.3%, due to the loss of 203.2 thousand positions in manufacturing industries.
The activities of manufacuturing industries which recorded the biggest increase in the number of employed persons between 2009 e 2018 were Maintenance, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (27.9%); Manufacture of beverages (28.1%); and Manufacture of food products (15.5%). The biggest decreases were registered by Manufacture of wood products (-21.0%), Manufacture of computer products, optical and electronic equipment (-17.7%) and Manufacture of wearing apparel and accessories (-18.6%).
Among the sectors, food products holds 22.8% of the total employd persons, followed by the Manufacture of wearing apparel and accessories, with 7.8%.
In 2018, the employees of mining and quarrying industries generated, on the average, R$678.2 thousand, and those of manufacturing industry, R$163.1 thousand.
The Extraction of petroleum and natural gas stood out both in terms of monthly wage in 2018 (25.2 minimum wages), and of increase against 2009 (18.6 minimum wages).
In 2018, the eight biggest enterprises in the industrial sector accounted for 24.2% of the national VTI (value of manufacturing).
From 2009 to 2018, the participation of Mining and quarrying industries in the generation of the total value added of Industry changed from 9.6% to 14.7%.
Despite the loss of participation in ten years, the Southeast still held 58.3% of the national VTI in 2018.
These are some of the data presented in the Annual Survey of Industry – PIA Enterprise 2018.
In 2018, value of manufacturing was of R$ 1.4 trillion
The survey universe, formed by industrial enterprises with one or more employed persons, encompassed 309.0 thousand active enterprises in 2018, which employed 7.7 million persons and paid a total R$ 308.0 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation. In terms of revenue, the net sales revenue of the sector was of R$3.4 trillion. From that universe of 303.1 thousand belonged to the manufacturing sector and 5.9 thousand, to the mining and quarrying segment.
Industrial activity generated R$1.4 trillion of the value of manufacturing (VTI), which is the difference between the gross value of industrial production (R$3.1 trillion) and the costs of industrial operations (R$1.7 trillion). From that amount, 90.6% (R$2.9 trillion) came from manufacturing industry.
Gross revenue of industrial enterprises was of R$4.8 trillion in 2018
In 2018, the gross revenue of industrial enterprises – which includes industrial activity and others: resale of goods, rendering of non-industrial services, real estate rentals, etc. – was of R$4.8 trillion. From that amount, 77.8% came from sale of industrial products and services, an increase in participation against 2009 (74.7%). The revenue from non-industrial activities also increased in participation from 6.5% in 2009 to 8.6% in 2018. The other revenues (rents, interest from financial operations, etc.) recorded a decrease in the period, from 18.8% to 13.6%. The net sales revenue, minus taxes, cancelled sales and unconditional discounts from gross revenue was of R$3.4 trillion in 2018. From that total, 67.8% were concentrated in large-sized enterprises (with 500 or more employed persons).
Food industry changed from 18.2% to 21.7% dof participation in net revelue of sales in ten years
In ten years, mining and quarrying industry recorded an increase of 2.6 percentage points (p.p.) in terms of participation in the net sales revenue, having reached 5.7% of the total in 2018. Extraction of petroleum and natural gas (1.6 p.p.) and extraction of metallic minerals (1.1 p.p.) were highlights in the sector. In manufacturing industry, the segment of manufacture and production of food products, which had had the biggest share of net sales revenue in 2009 (18.2%), recorded an increase of 3.5 p.p.,having reached 21.7% in 2018.
Making up for that increase was a reduction in most of the other segments which form manufacturing industry, the highlights being manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies, which recorded the main negative change in participation in the net sales revenue in industry (-2.7 p.p. in 10 years), with a change from 12.0% to 9.3%.
Pushed by manufacturing industry, employment in the industrial sector fell to 2.3% in ten years
Industrial activity employed about 7.7 million persons in 2018. Between 2009 and 2019, manufacturing industry, responsible for 97.6% of the employed persons in industry, lost 203.2 thousand jobs, which led to a decrease of 2.3% in the total in industry.
The manufacturing industry activities recording the biggest increases in the number of employed persons, between 2009 and 2018, were: Maintenance, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (27.9%); Manufacture of beverages (28.1%); and Manufacture of food products (15.5%). The biggest decreases came from Manufacture of wood products (-21.0%), Manufacture of computer equipment, electronic and optical products (-17.7%) and Manufacture of wearing apparel and accessories (-18.6%).
In mining and quarrying industry, a highlight is Extraction of petroleum and natural gas, which recorded, in 2018, a figure seven times bigger than in 2009, whereas the most significant decrease was that of Extraction of coal (-33.5%).
One out of every five workers in industry worked in food production in 2018
Among the sectors of industrial production, Manufacture of food products holds 22.8% of the total employed persons, followed by Manufacture of wearing apparel and accessories, which has a percentage of 7.8%. Other highlights, as main employers, were the activities of Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies and Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment, employing 5.8% and 5.7% of the total, respectively, and Manufacture of rubber and plastic products, with 5.2%.
Mining and quarrying industry registered, in 2018, about 187.6 thousand employed persons (2.4% of the do total counted by PIA-Enterprise), which are concentrated in Extraction of metallic minerals (43.3%) and in Extraction of non-metallic minerals (40.6%).
Workers in mining and quarrying industry earned, on average, R$ 678.2 thousand in 2018
The analysis of work productivity – the ratio between the value of industrial manufacturing and the number of employed persons – mining and quarrying industry were, in 2009, 2.4 times as productive as manufacturing industry. That ration went to 4.2 times in 2018, the year when workers from mining and quarrying industry generated, on the average, R$ 678.2 thousand, whereas those from manufacturing industry generated R$ 163.1 thousand.
Extraction of petroleum and natural gas paid, on average, 25.2 minimum wages a month in 2018
General industry recorded a decrease in monthly salaries, measured in terms of minimum wages (m.w.), from 3.5 m.w. to 3.2 ten years. In the same period, there was a decrease by 0.6 mining and quarrying industry (from 5.4 m.w. to 4.8 m.w.) and by 0.2 m.w. in manufacturing industry (from 3.4 m.w. to 3.2 m.w).
Extraction of petroleum and natural gas was a highlight both as the segment with the highest level of salaries in 2018 (25.2 m.w.), and as that recording the biggest increase against 2009 (when it was 18.6 m.w.), being the only sector with rise of the average monthly salary in mining and quarrying industry. In manufacturing industry, the activities with the highest average salaries were those of Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (8.6 m.w.) and Manufacture of pharmaceuticals (7.1 m.w.).
Average size of enterprises dealing with extraction of petroleum and natural gas tripled in ten years
In 2018, the average size of industrial enterprises was of 25 employed persons. In mining and quarrying industry, the highlight was Extraction of petroleum and natural gas. Besides having registered a significant increase in the number of employed persons, in work productivity and in the average monthly salary, it also grew significantly in terms of the average size of enterprises: in 2018, the estimate was of 77 persons in each enterprise, about three times more than in 2009.
In manufacturing industry, 16 of its 24 segments recorded a decrease in the average size. In 2018, among the activities that form the sector, Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels had the biggest average size, of 554 employed persons per enterprise, followed by Manufacture of pharmaceuticals (215 persons) and Manufacture of tobacco products (109 persons).
Eight biggest companies in the industrial sector generated 24.2% of the national value of manufacturing
The level of concentration in industry is measured by the “level 8 concentration ratio” (R8), an index that measures the percentage of value of manufacturing corresponding to the index generated by the eight biggest companies in the sector. The R8 level of industrial enterprises went from 21.4% in 2009 to 24.2% in 2018. In mining and quarrying industry that increase changed from 67.7% to 74.0% and in manufacturing industry, from 20.4% to 22.3%.
Among the activities of mining and quarrying industry, Extraction of petroleum and natural gas registered a significant decrease in concentration, from 98.8% in 2009 to 88.8% in 2018, whereas the other had an increase of concentration in the period. In manufacturing industry, in only five of its 24 segments recorded the R8 index surpassed 50%, with a highlight to Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (93.1%).
In ten years, participation of mining and quarrying industry in value of manufacturing increased from 9.6% to 14.7%
The composition of value of manufacturing showed that, between 2009 and 2018, mining and quarrying industry expanded of relevance concerning the generation of total value added of industry, with a change from 9.6% to 14.7% of participation, recording the highest index in the series initated in 2007, with the release of the National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE 2.0. Despite te decrease in the period, Mining and quarrying industry maintained a predominant position in 2018 (85.3%).
In mining and quarrying industry, the main advances recorded in 10 years were those of: Extraction of metallic minerals (3.9 p.p.) and Extraction of petroleum and natural gas (3.7 p.p.), recording, in 2018, a participation of 40.1% and 50.9%, respectively.
In manufacturing industry, food products was the most relevant sector in terms of aggregated value, corresponding to 18.3% of the value of manufacturing and having increased its participation by 2.6 p.p. in 10 years.
Southeast concentrates 58.3% of the national value of manufacturing
In regional terms, the Southeast concentrated 58.3% of the value of manufacturing in 2018, leading the production ranking in the country, followed by the South Region (19.0%), Northeast (10.3%), North (6.9%) and Central West (5.5%). Although it is still the leader of the national raking, the Southeast Region recorded a decrease of 2.4 p.p. against 2009. The production movement was mainly directed at the Central West Region (with an increase of 1.0 p.p.) and the North Region (with an increase of 0.9 p.p.).
From 2009 to 2018, participation of São Paulo in regional production fell by 5.2 p. p.
In the Southeast, São Paulo, which concentrated 57.2% of the population in the Region in 2018, recorded a decrease by 5.2 p.p. against 2009. That movement probably relates to the performance of its motor vehicle industry, which shrank about 4.7 p.p. in the period and went from the first to the fourth position in the ranking of that state. Minas Gerais (19.1%) is the positive highlight, with an advance of 2.3 p.p. of participation in one decade, mainly due to the expansion of Extraction of metallic minerals and Basic metals.
Besides Manufacture of food products, which corresponds to 12.3% of the Major Region’s value of manufacturing, a highlight is the chain formed by Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (13.5% of the Major Region) and by Extraction of petroleum and natural gas (11.5%), notably in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Espírito Santo.
In the South, Santa Catarina was the only state to record decrease in ten years
The productive structure of the South Region, in 2018, was homogeneous in terms of the distribution among federation Units and kept the ranking as in 2009. Paraná accounted for 36.6% of the value of manufacturing in that Major Region, having recorded increase in the period of 10 years (2.0 p.p.). The Major Region is a highlight in Manufacture of food products, responsible for 22.6% of the regional value of manufacturing.
Pernambuco and Maranhão had increase in participation in 10 years
The Northeast Region advanced 0.5 p.p., between 2009 and 2018, and recorded significant structural changes in the composition of value of manufacturing. A highlight was the advance of 4.5 p.p. in Pernambuco, due to the start of activities that were not traditional there, mainly those associated to the motor vehicle chain and the complex of biofuels and oil refining. Maranhão recorded an increase of 3.0 p.p., with a highlight to new plants of new pulp and paper plants. However, the concentration remained high, with Bahia (42.1%), Pernambuco (20.0%) and Ceará (13.9%) accounting for more than ¾ of the regional production.
Three activities concentrated 43.5% of the production in the Northeast region: oil refining and production of biofuels (developed mainly in Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Bahia); food products (listed as one of the principal ones in all the State in the Major Region); and chemical industry (of which Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia are the main representatives).
Pará took the leadership in the Northern ranking, with an increase of 19.1 p. p. in 10 years
The North Region advanced 0.9 p.p. in participation in the Brazilian value of manufacturing between 2009 and 2018. The highlight was the advance of 19.1 p.p. in Pará, making the state the leader in the ranking, with 49.9% of the value of manufacturing, ahead of Amazonas, which fell to the second position. Together, the two Federation Units concentrated 94.4% of the regional production.
The three main activities in the Major Region concentrated 59.6% of the value of manufacturing. Besides Extraction of metallic minerals, which corresponded to 79.8% of the production in Pará, had as highlight the production of electronic material, responsible for 25.5% of the production of Amazonas. In the third position came the industry of beverages, accounting for 17.1% in the state and for 4.5% of the value of manufacturing in Rondônia.
Mato Grosso do Sul surpassed Mato Grosso with gain of 12.1 p. p. in 10 years
The Central West was responsible for the biggest evolution in terms of national composition of the value of manufacturing in 10 years (1.0 p.p.). A highlight is Mato Grosso do Sul (27.3%), the only state in the Region to record increase in participation between 2009 and 2018 (12.1 p.p.), surpassing Mato Grosso in the state ranking (23.7% of the regional value of manufacturing). The region had strong production concentration in its three main activities, which, together, amounted to 62.9% of the do value of manufacturing, led by the food product industry.